Chapter 26

Ace was shaken, then took a boxer from the closet that he wore.


Lena looked radiant and excited. She was grinning from ear to ear. "Yehey. Cook for me."


Laughing, he made her lie down and screamed in shock, then hugged her neck.


"Why did you carry me?" Her question.


"Because I like holding you in my arms," he said, smiling broadly.


"I like to be in your arms too." She kissed him on the lips.


Ahh. His heart was doing a backflip and tripping over itself. 'Damn. Fucking fuck!'


He carefully went down the stairs and went to the kitchen. He was just shaken when he saw Logan sitting on the stool near the island counter.


"You're still here?" he asked Logan, who was drinking beer and made the cake roll again.


Lena was asked to sit on a stool in front of Logan.


Lena smiled at Logan. "Hi."


Logan smiled. "Hey babe."