Chapter 31

"But you always say sorry to me," Lena pointed out.


He smiled. "You're different, huh." He kissed her on the lips. "You are the woman who is slowly becoming its flesh." He points to the heart.


She frowned. "I'm not above that, Jordan."


He laughed softly. "Not literally but figuratively speaking."


"Oh." She laughed softly. "I thought you were going to let me in there. You're threatening, aren't you?"


He shook his head while laughing softly, then put his arms around her. "So, why are you here with cupcakes?"


"Because I miss you, huh."


"So honest." He fell down and then pulled her to sit on the swivel chair so that she could rest on his legs. "I miss you too but sadly, I have work to attend to."


"I understand. Shall I leave?"


Jordan stared at her. "I don't want you to leave. I want to see you while I work."