Chapter 33

Lena swallowed and looked away. But it wasn't so bad to make love with Jordan the whole day. It would be a perfect day for her.


Lena was startled when someone hugged her from behind later. "Let's go?"


She smiled. "All right."


Hand in hand, they walked out of Jordan's room which was inside his office. While they were going down in the elevator, the man had his arm around her. She liked the feeling of his arm wrapped around her shoulder possessively.


When they got out of the elevator, the employees who were already there and entered early were looking at them. Jordan didn't care as he guided her to his car parked in the parking lot and opened the door for her.


"Get in, moon cake," he said smoothly.


Laughing, Lena got in, and then closed the door. Jordan turned towards the driver's seat.