Chapter 43

Lena sighed and then looked down. She frowned at the sight of a shoe without a match.


"What is this?" She blinked before bending over and picking up the shoe.


She was still wondering whose shoes it was when she closed the door. She didn't own it and put it in her shoe rack. She was about to turn away in shock. Her attention returned to the shoe rack, and then she stared at the shoe that was picked up outside the door.


'That shoe... no, it couldn't be!'


Carrying the shoes, Lena ran to her room. Then she dropped to the floor and peeked under the bed.


"There you are!" she said excitedly when she saw the shoe; she hid there because she threw it at Jordan when he ran over her dog.


She took the shoe and compared it to the shoe she was carrying. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was the same color and size.


'Oh, God! It's the same shoes!'