Chapter 48

Jordan had not even reached the door of his room when his feet quickly stepped back into the living room. Back to Lena.


As if for those who had a mind of their own who stopped not far from the long sofa where the woman was, hugging her naked body, closing her eyes, and silently crying.


It was as if his heart was being run over several times due to the pain he felt at that time.


Here he was, seeing the woman that made him experience hell in her new fucking form cried. He must be happy, right? He should rejoice because he made her cry... because he hurt her. But why does he feel the opposite?


He felt horrible! He wanted to beat himself up because he was the reason the girl was crying.


Fuck! He should be celebrating that he got his revenge, but he couldn't even fake a fucking smile on his lips. What he did to her womanhood was disrespectful.


He quietly approached the sofa and sat on her side.