Chapter 60


"It's about to start," Hailey whispered to her while fixing her slightly tangled gown.


She had to sit down and put on her seat belt when the plane took off. And now that the Jumbo Jet 143 is in the air, Lena has heard the singing of the famous singer that Jordan hired for their wedding.


Jordan and their very expensive wedding. All of this was prepared and organized by her groom. That was definitely not normal because Jordan didn't want a simple wedding.


When she entered the plane earlier, she had to be blindfolded so that she could not see inside, and she was immediately taken to the tail of the plane to wait there.


Her sister and father were with her. Hailey was her maid of honor. Patricia was one of her chosen bride's maids, and the rest were her newfound friends, Jordan's friends' wives. Her Uncle Arthur was also present.