#Chapter 91


Harrison frowned when his cell phone rang and saw that it was his mother calling. Hmm. Maybe she's checking on what's going on in his married life.

He answered the call. "Hello, mother. What can I do for you?"

"Hello, son." Her mother's voice was calm. "I called to let you know that your wish will come true."

His eyebrows met. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Don't you want to marry Lorelei? You were forced to because of your daddy. So, I called to tell you that finally, your marriage with Lorelei will be void."

His eyes darkened. "What?!"

"Oh, you didn't know?" Her mother inquired innocently. She ignored the rise in his voice. "Oh my Gosh! Didn't Lorelei tell you?"

He clenched his fist. "What wasn't said?"

"Lorelei filed a divorce. Didn't you know?"

His eyes widened in disbelief. What he feared was happening.

"No!" He shouted angrily. "She can't divorce me!"