Chapter 114

She moved her mouth faster. She moved her mouth up and down fast. She swirled her tongue as she inserted and spat out his manhood, causing him to moan even louder.

Dylan's grunt warms the body. Thinking that he loves what she does gives her motivation to do even better.

She was fed up with Dylan's throbbing masculinity. And when she gets tired of sucking her length, she spits it out and licks it round and round.

"Kirsty... oh..." Dylan tightened his grip on her hair and pressed her head even more against his manhood. "Faster, baby... I'm close-oh."

Kirsty treated Dylan's manhood like how she ate a lollipop. She licked. She sucked. She twirled her tongue around, and she would lightly bite it from time to time.

She felt that Dylan was about to come out because his hips were moving to meet her mouth. She, on the other hand, was busy taking off her underwear while making Dylan happy.