Chapter 123

SHE WAS PREGNANT, yet she was working? Dylan gritted his teeth. What was that girl thinking? Did she not think about the contents of her stomach?

He huffed in disgust. It pissed him off that Kirsty was working.

Gabriel and Hunter left him when Eleanor was taken out of the delivery room. Gabriel lost consciousness after hearing from the nurses that Eleanor had triplets. He and Hunter even joked about it, and even though he cursed them, he knew that he was happy and was in third place right away.

He was about to stand up when Kirsty came out of the delivery room. Her head was spinning as if she was dizzy. His body went stiff when he saw her hold on to something to support herself.

He looked away, stood up, and walked towards the exit. The memory of Kirsty kissing another man still lingered in his mind, and he wanted to kill that other man with his bare hands.