Chapter 127


DYLAN Sighed while listening to his wife's non-stop speech. Earlier it was word for word because it was honoring their eldest son, Dylak.

Kirsty was a nagger, and he was just a listener. But not always.

"Dylak, didn't I tell you that when you come home from school, you put your notes and bag away so they don't litter your room. My God, Dylak, you're already fifteen years old. You should know that. That. It's not because you have a nanny and we have a helper that you're going to be lazy. Be responsible, okay? You're still a boy. You should imitate your daddy by putting all your stuff in the right container."

Dylak looked at him. "I'm sure Daddy was also messy in his youth."

He smiled at his son and motioned him to shut up. In the fifteen years, he and Kirsty have been together as a couple, and he already knows her behavior.