Every touch of Alex's lips on hers was full of caresses. Every caress of his lips on hers was full of emotion, and she responded wholeheartedly. Every caress of his lips was so delicious she just closed her eyes at the delicious sensation it brought to her body.

Bariana grabbed Alex's shoulder as his two hands went down the hem of her top and opened the button of her pajama top. Her heart pounded as Alex slowly removed her top, as they continued to kiss. She was no longer wearing a bra, which was why Alex was able to easily touch her healthy breasts when he took off her top.

She closed her eyes tightly and moaned softly as he stroked her rich breasts and massaged her sweetly. He bit her lower lip as he moved his fingertip over her stiff nipple.

Her breathing deepened as Alex's fingers played with her nipples while he gently kissed her. And she couldn't help but moan at the pleasure he was giving her.