Who Wants The Throne

Asmodeus and the other demons were en route to Hell Industries Inc., the global headquarters of hell, which always housed an underground chamber leading to the actual realm of hell.

While Asmodeus wasn't particularly keen on the throne, he couldn't help but think, "It's time for a great family reunion." A small smile crept across his face as he settled back in his seat, feeling a sense of satisfaction and relaxation.

Upon their arrival at Hell Inc, they were met with a grand and royal welcome. The chauffeurs even suggested lifting Asmodeus into the building, but he gracefully declined, preferring to maintain a simple demeanor despite being a billionaire. He just wanted to get the proceedings over with. He anticipated disappointing all the fervent supporters and returning to his earthly abode to bide his time, just before the inevitable war in the end times. Asmodeus was well aware that they would ultimately lose the war against their Father after failing to corrupt His divine son. He no longer saw the point in fighting for a lost cause, although Lucifer's pride prevented him from admitting it.

As Asmodeus and the other demons made their way to the hell realm portal, he prepared himself to face his demonic brethren. Upon realizing that he didn't want the crown, he pondered who might be interested in taking the throne.

Recalling Leviathan's proposal, Asmodeus reflected on the nicknames he gave to his brothers – Lucifer as Lucif, Satan as Sat, Belphegor as Belp, Baal as Ba, Beelzebub as Beel, and Mammon as Momo. He often laughed at Mammon's nickname, but in reality, Mammon was no joke. Unlike his psychopathic brothers who were pursuing an eternal suicide mission, Mammon had achieved a lot. He had pursued a normal human life, attended school, struggled with exams, and gone to job interviews like anyone else, ultimately rising to become the boss of the World Bank.

Considering Mammon's discipline and accomplishments, Asmodeus decided to endorse him as king, believing that no one else was as fit and disciplined as Mammon to lead Hell Inc to the next level. Asmodeus perceived the need for a more business-oriented approach, as he felt that the other demons were employing outdated and ineffective practices.

Asmodeus expressed his frustration with the outdated practices of setting up occult centers and hosting events with large flyers, highlighting the availability of modern alternatives such as social media groups and online communication platforms like Zoom and Skype. He felt that the demons were hopeless in their approach but acknowledged the necessity for them to go down with style.

On the other hand, Asmodeus was indifferent to these matters, as humans were actively seeking to sell their souls for temporary fame, power, and wealth, often forgetting the eternal suffering that awaited them in the afterlife. He also mentioned how Satan would personally visit the torture chambers in hell to give special treatment to his VIPs, who were fortunate enough to experience the wrath of the fallen angel firsthand.

Despite the vanity and corruption prevalent in human lives, Asmodeus harbored a certain fondness for them. He initially questioned how the angels could bow to humans, but a particular emotional breakdown he witnessed in a human revealed to him the true depth of human emotions, including happiness and remorse, which the angels lacked. This realization led him to see humans as his "little children" who needed to be taught how to live freely, experiencing pleasures beyond their wildest dreams. As the demon associated with lust, he found it relatively easy to trigger this forbidden desire in humans, particularly with the advent of the internet, which made his task even easier.

All he did was buy half of the porn industries and then with adverts everywhere,peer sex talks,lots and lots of sex movies,most humans lost their virginity before they realized it .Masterbation was the world's greatest child killer addiction but no one actually talked about it.Billions maybe trillions of children were lost just for the enjoyment of their would be parents.

It was sad and funny at the same time but at the end of it all,it meant nothing.Oneday their Dad and his divine son would be back to end it all like it happened during the flood.Asmodeus just hoped that the time wasn't soon and he knew with Mammon as the boss,he wouldn't be interested in breaking any of the seals that would lead to an inevitable apocalypse and daunting judgement day.

Asmodeus was all in his mind,just thinking of everything that happened when he lived in hell.It all had to do with that whore called Lilith.She caused the rift between all seven of them and he was sure he would strangle her if she got close to him ever again.