Asmodeus, King Of Hell

In his mind, Lucifer's words reverberated loudly. Asmo had accepted the throne!.

Asmo's inner voice screamed, "What on earth are you doing?" He answered himself confidently, "I'm taking what I deserve!"

Days later, Asmodeus had returned to Earth. Lucifer had agreed with him to inform the others that he had some unfinished business back on Earth, and after he was done, he would return gloriously.

He began to plan "Project Damnation." He was determined to find that woman. And when he did, he would...

Well, he wasn't exactly sure what he would do, but it would be alluring and irresistible.

Asmo pondered his new title, he wondered if it would truly be an advantage. Besides having hell's minions slave for him, what else could he gain? He questioned his decision to let Lucifer and Satan influence his thoughts and his sudden obsession with the mysterious woman pushed him over the edge. He began to realize that he had gone too far with this reckless move.

He knew he had to be more cautious now. Lucifer was likely up to no good. Asmodeus wasn't foolish; he knew Lucifer would never hand him anything on a silver platter. What Asmodeus didn't understand was the connection between that girl and their current situation.

Asmodeus then pondered on the whereabouts of his target. He decided to delegate the task of finding her to his "Lust Board of Directors." Next, he made plans to visit Mammon, his closest brother.

He was prepared to invest a billion to acquire that lady. She was now special to him, an object of obsession and temptation. "Oh Maria, I'm coming for you," he murmured with a smile.

He wasn't afraid of Lucifer, Satan, or that human whom he was soon going to humble. Asmodeus smiled to himself, prepared for the challenge ahead. Whatever Lucifer had in mind, Asmodeus was ready to deliver an epic counter-attack.

Upon arriving at the World Bank office, he was greeted by a group of overly eager attendants, all with lascivious thoughts about him. Their fantasies were no secret to him, as he possessed a captivating and alluring presence. They reminded him about how different Maria, whose pictures he had seen was .

She was a true beauty with an angelic aura in and out. Her blue eyes, dainty nose, golden blonde hair, heavenly red lips, and divine feminine figure were undoubtedly the work of the Creator of masterpieces.

The attendants led him to his brother's office. Upon entering, he found Mammon on the phone. They were left alone, and when Mammon finished his call, Lucifer walked up to him and bowed, saying, "All hail Asmodeus, the King of Hell."

He turned to Mammon, his confidant and ally. Mammon was the only one who truly understood him without the need for words. During the rebellion, Asmodeus had joined because Mammon had signed up and asked him to do his best to forget him if God erased them from existence.

Asmodeus heeded this selfless request by joining the "suicide squad." Fortunately, they weren't destroyed, but being cast down to earth and having their wings severed was not part of the plan. In the desolate world they found themselves in, Asmodeus and Mammon devised ways to pass the time.

It was during that time that Asmodeus saw a couple enjoying themselves.He saw them literally making love to each other.He was immediately intrigued him and even he could not anticipate how he turned the desire of a person to make love to their most beloved into dirty sex and obsession with pleasuring one's self.

It was an innocent private act that became a public spectacle.One of the most shocking scenes Asmodeus ever witnessed was Absalom and David's concubine.

That was a blow to one of the greatest and most beloved kings of his Father, who had also done his own dirty lust related acts.Those events were definitely not the idea of Asmodeus but he took credit for it anyway.

It was a lesson of how dangerous desiring a woman could be.Men blamed their beauty and them showing skin but Asmodeus more than anyone knew those men where just hypocrites.Did they not walk around bare chested and some times in their revealing underwear.Those males then turned around to judge women.

Asmodeus was no saint but being someone whose sin thrived in secret acts of the perpetrators.He knew most of them were wolves in sheep clothing.

Asmodeus had once witnessed an encounter with the divine one. It was the day a woman, accused of adultery, was brought before him to be stoned. The divine one's response was so profound that it shook Asmodeus to his core, making him realize that this man, whom he and his brothers sought to kill, was far greater than anything they could ever be. While Lucifer was smart, the divine one was truly wise, and while Satan was strong, the divine one possessed a divine fury that instilled true fear.

The impact of the divine one's presence was evident, as evidenced by the traders who experienced the wrath of the son of the Almighty Father. This encounter left a lasting impression on Asmodeus, prompting him to contemplate the true nature of power and divinity.