What Must Be Done

It seems like Mammon was seated in a private hospital room with a pristine white interior, surrounded by state-of-the-art medical equipment. However, he wasn't there for his own treatment. Instead, he was keeping a close watch over Asmo, who was lying in the bed.

Asmo had been on the brink of death just an hour ago, but now he was being attended to, with a tube feeding him human blood. It's known that fallen angels heal more rapidly when they consume human blood, and this was likely a measure taken to aid Asmo's recovery.

Suddenly, Asmo's eyes flew open, and he rose from the bed, nearly leaping to his feet.

Mammon hurriedly held him down and reassured him, "Asmo, calm down! Sat isn't here." Asmo stopped and relaxed.He couldn't believe it,he had lost to Satan again.He slammed his hand on the bed in anger.

"Why call myself King if I can't be the freaking best!!!",he exclaimed.

Mammon tapped his shoulder and spoke,"what this says is that you are nothing like that psychopath".

Asmo then replied,"You know what must be done".

This statement made Mammon widen his eyes. What Asmo meant was an issue on a whole different level. There was an episode in Asmo's life where he craved more power. Lucifer tried an experiment on him. Asmo was made to consume large ounces of human blood, and then he and Mammon did something risky. Mammon somehow transferred his powers to Asmo, doubling his power and making him OP."

"That was how the mysterious astral Prince of Persia was born. Yes, Asmo was the dark angel who stalled Gabriel for days and fought Michael for a while before the prayers of his Father's prophet could be answered. The results of the experiment were impressive, but it also had too many serious side effects and rules." This revelation added a whole new layer of complexity to Asmo's character and the extent of his powers. The fact that he could stall powerful angels like Gabriel and Michael showcased his strength, but the serious side effects and rules stemming from the experiment hinted at potential challenges and consequences he had to grapple with.

Mammon's loss of immortality had a profound impact, leading to a peculiar change in Asmo's demeanor. Asmo became deeply attuned to Mammon's experiences, to the extent that he abandoned a crucial battle when the Angels targeted Mammon. Furthermore, Asmo's behavior started to mirror Mammon's, and he became solely preoccupied with fulfilling his deepest desires. During this era, Asmo's paramount aspiration was to construct an empire of boundless wealth.

Consequently, the great Persian empire experienced an unprecedented expansion as Asmo harnessed his powers to fulfill his ambition. The empire's growth reached remarkable scales, leaving an indelible mark on history. By the time they sought to reverse this transformative influence, Persia had already secured its place in the annals of history, shaped by the extraordinary aspirations and actions of Asmo and Mammon.

Lucifer, deeply affected by the consequences of his actions, vowed never to repeat such a mistake. This marked the first time Satan appeared apprehensive when confronted by Asmo, perhaps due to his fear of what Asmo had become. It was likely this fear that fueled his vehement animosity towards Asmo.

Driven by his ambition, Asmo believed that vanquishing Satan would silence him forever. His relentless pursuit of power and control over others led him to believe that defeating Satan would secure his dominance and fulfill his insatiable desires."

Asmo's belief that crushing Satan would silence him forever prompted Mammon to question the logistics of such a deed. "Where would you get so much blood?" Mammon inquired.

Asmo calmly responded, "Sat made a bet with me. If he won, he would amass an army to destroy a place he held dear. However, if I emerged victorious, I would be tasked with the daunting challenge of slaughtering that very army."

Considering how the fight ended I would say it was a draw.Therefore he gets to attack where I love and I get to kill every single one of his pawns".

"Are you he accept such an offer", Mammon questioned skeptically.

"Oh he will but I don't need his permission.I am doing it anyway.He wanted a Christmas to remember,I am gonna enjoy giving it to him",Asmo concluded epically.

Asmo began to replay the fight to discover what he did wrong.

Once, in the scorching heat of the desert, the fierce confrontation unfolded between two powerful beings: Asmo and Satan. Each was driven by compelling motivations that propelled them into a clash of titanic proportions.

Asmo, a figure of loyalty and determination, fought with a burning desire for vengeance smoldering within him. His best friend, Johnny, had been mercilessly slain by Satan, igniting a fire of rage and grief within Asmo. Every strike he delivered was fueled by the memory of his fallen comrade, an unyielding determination to avenge Johnny's unjust death.

Meanwhile, Satan, a figure of pride and ambition, was embroiled in his own internal turmoil. He fought to prove everyone wrong for favoring Asmo as the King of Hell, seemingly forsaking the leadership of Lucifer and himself. His every move was driven by a desire to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his, to defy the expectations and assumptions that had been placed upon him.

The scorching desert bore witness to their clash, the arid landscape mirroring the intensity of their conflict. Asmo's every step in the shifting sands echoed his unwavering determination, while Satan's commanding presence seemed to cast a looming shadow over the unforgiving terrain.

Their battle unfolded against the backdrop of swirling sands and blistering heat, each combatant driven by their own fierce motivations. The clash of steel and the crackling of energy filled the air, a visceral manifestation of their inner turmoil and the weight of their convictions.

As the confrontation reached its zenith, the motivations driving Asmo and Satan intertwined, revealing the complex web of emotions, loyalties, and ambitions that had led them to this moment. Their conflict became not just a physical clash, but a dramatic convergence of personal histories, aspirations, and the intricate dynamics of power and pride.