
Returning to Maria Ave's small town in Italy, a sense of unease enveloped her as she fretted over Asmo's sudden departure. His abrupt insistence on her return home had left her fraught with worry, prompting her to consider taking drastic measures to ensure his well-being. The distant rumble of thunder mirrored the tempest raging within her, echoing the tumultuous emotions that churned in her heart.

As the days stretched into an agonizing wait, Maria's concern deepened, manifesting in restless nights and anxious days. Each unanswered call to Asmo served as a poignant reminder of his absence, amplifying the ache of longing that gnawed at her soul. The idea of boarding a transatlantic flight to the United States of America loomed as a compelling yet daunting prospect, a testament to the depth of her devotion and the relentless tug of her heartstrings.

Amidst the palpable sense of yearning, Maria found herself ensnared in a labyrinth of conflicting emotions. The specter of uncertainty cast a shadow over her thoughts, mingling with a profound sense of affection that bound her to Asmo. In the crucible of her solitude, she grappled with the profound realization of just how deeply she cared for him, the revelation a bittersweet testament to the undeniable hold he had on her heart.

Meanwhile, halfway across the world, Asmo sat amidst his brethren, the malevolent air thick with foreboding as they gathered like a coterie of predatory beasts, their predatory gazes fixated on unseen prey. Though Maria's persistent attempts to reach him tugged at his conscience, he remained resolute in his silence, cognizant of the emotional turmoil it inflicted upon her. In his heart, he harbored an unyielding desire to shield her from the machinations of Satan and the perilous web of intrigue that enshrouded their world.

Unbeknownst to Maria, a parallel yearning gripped Asmo, his thoughts an intangible thread that sought to bridge the chasm of distance between them. In the quiet recesses of his mind, he longed to see her once more, the ache of separation a poignant echo of her absence. As the tendrils of fate wove an invisible tapestry, both Maria and Asmo found themselves standing beneath the boughs of mistletoe, their silent wishes unfurling into the ether. Though separated by vast expanses, their unspoken desires converged in a poignant moment of longing, their hearts echoing the palpable emptiness that bound them across the miles.

Amidst the tumult of her emotions, Maria sought solace in the familiar embrace of her old orphanage, where the laughter of children intertwined with the echoes of her own inner turmoil. As she immersed herself in the comforting routine of helping the young ones, her heart remained tethered to a world far beyond the boundaries of the quaint Italian town. The radiant smiles of the children offered a fleeting respite from the ache of longing that nestled in her chest, yet the weight of her concern for Asmo lingered like a specter, coloring her every interaction with a tinge of melancholy.

In stark contrast, Asmo found himself at a crossroads, the discordant revelry of his brothers serving as a stark reminder of the chasm that separated him from the simplicity and warmth of Maria's presence. Amidst the debauched escapades and the sordid revelry that enveloped his brethren, he stood apart, a lone figure amidst the tumult, his resolve unyielding in the face of their hedonistic pursuits. The cacophony of their merriment underscored the gulf that had widened between him and his kin, a poignant testament to the choices that set him adrift from their heedless abandon.

As Maria navigated the corridors of the orphanage, the laughter of the children served as a poignant counterpoint to the whispered echoes of her own longing. The innocence of youth stood in stark contrast to the complexities of her emotions, their carefree joy a bittersweet reminder of the simplicity she yearned to reclaim. Even as she lent a guiding hand to the young ones, her thoughts drifted to a world beyond, where the enigmatic Asmo lingered as a specter in her heart, his absence a palpable ache that defied the solace of her surroundings.

Meanwhile, Asmo stood resolute in his detachment, the discordant revelry of his brethren serving as a haunting backdrop to his inner turmoil. The raucous indulgence of his brothers, cloaked in the haze of inebriation and hedonistic pursuits, stood in stark contrast to the unyielding resolve that anchored him amidst their frenzied abandon. As the night wore on, he found himself adrift in a sea of revelry, an island of solitude amidst the tempestuous merriment that engulfed his kin. The weight of his separation from Maria cast a pall over the debauched revelry, her absence a poignant reminder of the chasm that separated him from the unbridled abandon of his brethren.