
In a rich, quiet estate nestled within the bustling metropolis of New York City, a mailman pedaled furiously on his bike, tossing newspapers with precision at the opulent doorsteps of each luxurious mansion. His movements were a symphony of grace and purpose, the morning air vibrating with the soft thud of the newspapers landing in perfect alignment with their intended destinations. As the newspapers settled, a sense of anticipation permeated the surroundings, as if the delivery of the news held a profound significance that transcended the mundane act.

One such newspaper, propelled by an unexpected gust of wind, sailed through an open window, narrowly missing the owner of a grand mansion, Asmodeus, the former king of hell. Startled by the unexpected intrusion, Asmodeus emerged from his abode, his imposing figure exuding an air of regal authority. His piercing gaze bore witness to the headline that had disrupted his solitude: "Valentine is coming. Where is your lover? Don't be sitting at home feeling lonely!"

Surprisingly, a wry smile tugged at the corners of Asmodeus's lips, hinting at a complexity of emotions hidden beneath his formidable exterior. It was a moment of curious revelation, a glimpse into a world seldom seen by mortal eyes.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus, the former devil and prince of lust, felt a stirring within him as he read the newspaper's headline about Valentine's Day. The mention of love and companionship awakened a longing within him, a yearning for connection that transcended his former identity.

Unbeknownst to Asmodeus, his evolving emotions were intricately tied to the unfolding events.

Meanwhile, the enigmatic mailman had arrived at a secluded location, far removed from the opulence of the estate. With an aura of quiet determination, he retrieved a phone from his pocket and dialed a peculiar number. As the call connected, a voice, resonating with an otherworldly timbre, filled the air.

"Gabriel, tell me, have you confirmed that the dragon has fallen?" The voice, belonging to Michael, the general of the angels, bore the weight of countless eons and unfathomable wisdom.

In a remarkable twist, the mailman, revealed to be Gabriel, an Archangel disguised in mortal guise, responded with a sense of solemnity, "Michael, I am surprised, but it is true. This means our plan is indeed succeeding. What is our next course of action?"

Michael, a figure of resolute determination, concluded with a sense of purpose, "It is time for phase two. You have fulfilled your part, and now leave the rest to us. Victory is in our hands."

With that, the connection was severed, leaving Gabriel to contemplate the cryptic nature of their exchange. The mention of "us," a veiled reference to a greater celestial design, hung in the air like an unspoken promise, shrouded in mystery and purpose.

In an abandoned warehouse, a realm steeped in shadows and echoes of forgotten whispers, Michael closed his eyes and sent a telepathic message to the others, the enigmatic "us." His form exuded an aura of unwavering resolve, a testament to the weight of his celestial burden. As he stood in the dimly lit expanse, burnt demon corpses lay at his feet, They had charred remains revealing a haunting testament to the volatile but futile clash of any celestial force stupid enough to face Michael's infernal might.

The acrid scent of sulfur lingered in the air, a stark reminder of the tumultuous events that had unfolded within the confines of the warehouse.

The abandoned warehouse was now a graveyard for the damned and the abode of hidden echoes made by the forgotten whispers of demons.

Michael's telepathic message to the others, a.k.a the enigmatic "us." left as his form began to fade with it's exuded aura of unwavering resolve serving as a testament to the weight of his celestial burden and countinous mission to cleanse the earth.

Far away, in a surgical chamber suffused with an ethereal glow, an extraordinary figure, Raphael, a renowned healer and Archangel, received Michael's message. His countenance, marked by a blend of serenity and unyielding determination, reflected the gravity of the unfolding events. With a sense of purpose, he left the surgical chamber, leaving behind instruments that continued their intricate dance with a grace that defied mortal understanding.

"Finally," Raphael murmured, his voice suffused with a quiet intensity, "I was weary of biding my time to aid mortals. The true purpose of my existence is now at hand. A new era is poised to dawn. The divine wrath is poised to descend upon this blighted realm."

On a desolate expanse of desert, four figures, their forms silhouetted against the blazing sun, engaged in a rigorous training regimen that transcended the bounds of the physical. As the telepathic message from Michael resonated through the ether, their collective gaze turned skyward, their eyes ablaze with an unearthly luminescence.

In a breathtaking display of ethereal power, they transcended their mortal forms, transforming into radiant beings of incandescent light. In an instant, they vanished, leaving in their wake a resplendent burst of energy that rent the very fabric of the desert, carving a profound crater in the sun-scorched earth.

As the Archangels gathered their celestial might, a powerful energy surged through the fabric of reality, drawing them inexorably towards a celestial convergence. The stage was set for a divine confrontation, and the fate of all creation hung in the balance.

A sense of profound mystery and purpose pervaded the air, weaving together the disparate threads of mortal and immortal, good and evil, love and despair. The stage was set for a grand cosmic drama, where the destinies of angels and devils intertwined in a timeless struggle for the soul of creation.As the powerful Archangels received the telepathic message from Michael, they knew that a great shift was about to unfold. Their purpose was clear, and their collective energy resonated with a divine force that transcended the physical realm.

As the enigmatic events unfolded, profound mystery and purpose were weaving together the disparate threads of mortal and immortal, good and evil, love and despair. The stage was set for a grand cosmic drama.The arrival of the Archangels signaled a cosmic reckoning, a convergence of celestial forces that would shape the fate of both heaven and earth.

Something really big was coming. Would the world witness a celestial dance of light and shadow, as the forces of heaven and hell clashed in a cataclysmic struggle for the very soul of existence.

The Fallen Dragon was the organization behind the ultimate harbingers of chaos and darkness,popularly known as the Twin kings namely Satan and Lucifer . It was suppose to be the earthly focal point of this cosmic conflict but Michael was at the exact place their demon infested base should have been.

He turned every single one of their agents into ashes and now only the Kingdom of light would determine the outcome and destiny of all beings, mortal and immortal alike.

With serenity and unyielding determination Michael had carefully infiltrated their base months ago and when the Fallen Dragon tried to track down the Archangels,their currently burnt corpses on the ground reflected the gravity of the events that unfolded afterwards.