
I lay on the ground, silent and still, after hours of screaming and sobbing. The physical pain had subsided, but my mental and emotional state was likely scarred for life. All because of that monster of a man, Samson.

At first, I hated him with every fiber of my being, but now, after being humbled and left for dead, unable to move, I realized I had underestimated him. My emotions and recklessness had led me into his trap.

I needed to do better, become ruthless, and beat him at his own game. But those worries were for the distant future, as I was still paralyzed and alone in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

A faint, sleep-like urge crept over me, and I feared it was death's silent call, beckoning me to take my final slumber. I fought to stay awake, but my eyes finally shut down, leaving me at the mercy of the unknown.

The next day, I woke up in a hospital bed, groggily opening my eyes to find Chris sitting beside me, exhausted and lightly dozing off.

I felt a mix of relief and pain, knowing he had saved my life and stayed up all night to watch over my unconscious body.

The hospital room was dimly lit, with soft beeps and whispers in the background. Chris's exhausted face was etched with worry and concern, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep. My body felt heavy and weak, my mind foggy from the ordeal.

The events of the previous day replayed in my head like a haunting nightmare, Samson's sinister smile and menacing eyes still etched in my memory.I tried to speak, my voice barely above a whisper.

I called out his name, and he snapped out of his light sleep, gently bumping my shoulder but before he could scold me for going after a Samson alone.

I whispered to him,"Chris...thanks for saving my life, man. I owe you one."

Chris exhaled, his shoulders sagging in relief. "Daniel, what were you thinking going after Samson alone? You know he's dangerous!"

I winced, remembering the events of the previous day. "I wasn't thinking, Chris. I was blinded by anger and a need for answers.

Chris placed a hand on my shoulder. "We'll figure it out, Daniel.This time we will do it together. "

I was happy to have Chris by my side but I had to ask him something that was still bugging me,

"How did you find me, Chris? I was in an abandoned warehouse, miles from anywhere. How did you know where to look?"

He furrowed his brow, confused. "I...I don't know, Daniel.Are you sure you didn't call me or anything."

Chris's expression turned serious. "I got an emergency call from your phone, Daniel. It cut off as soon as I answered it. But then I got a text message with your location and...and the extent of your injuries."

My eyes widened in shock. "I didn't send that, Chris! I swear!"

Chris's eyes locked onto mine, and I saw the unspoken question there. Who else could have sent it?

"Samson," I whispered, my mind racing. "He must have done it."

Chris nodded, his face grim. "I think you're right, Daniel. And that means we need to be even more careful. Samson's playing a game, and we need to figure out the rules before it's too late."

Chris's face turned thoughtful. "I don't know, Daniel, but we need to be careful. Samson's motives are never clear, and we can't trust him."

I nodded, determination rising within me. "I won't trust him, Chris. But I need to know what's going on. I need to uncover his motives."

Chris placed a hand on my shoulder. "We'll figure it out, Daniel.But for now, just focus on recovering. We'll deal with Samson later."

I felt a wave of gratitude towards Chris. "Thanks, Chris. Just knowing you're here for me...means a lot."

Chris smiled, his eyes warm with friendship. "Anytime, Daniel. That's what friends are for."

As I lay there,still surrounded by the beeps and whispers of the hospital, I knew that I had a long road ahead of me. But with Chris by my side, I felt a sense of hope.

Later that day, after Chris had left for some official duties, I was visited by someone who was still unwelcome to even step foot in my funeral grounds, let alone my hospital room. It was none other than Mrs. Deli, my former babysitter and once-upon-a-time foster parent. As soon as she entered my hospital room, I felt a surge of anger and resentment. I almost screamed for a nurse to come and remove her from my sight, but she begged me to listen to what she had to say.

The hospital room was dimly lit, with soft beeps and whispers in the background. Mrs. Deli's presence seemed to fill the room, her imposing figure and stern expression making me feel uneasy. I tried to turn away, but she approached my bedside, her eyes pleading with me to hear her out.

"Daniel, please," she said, her voice low and husky. "Just listen to me. I know I may not be your favorite person, but I have something important to tell you."

I hesitated, my mind racing with questions and doubts. What could she possibly want to say to me? And why now, after all these years? But something in her eyes made me pause, a glimmer of sincerity that I hadn't seen before. I nodded, my throat tight with emotion, and she began to speak.

"Daniel, I witnessed what happened to your mom," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I saw Samson take her and vanish into thin air."

I felt like I had been punched in the gut. All these years, I had wondered what had happened to my mom, and now I was finally getting some answers. But before I could ask her why she had come to admit it now, she began to close the curtains of my room.

"Shh, Daniel, listen," she said, her voice urgent. "Samson is no mere man to be toyed with. Do you remember that strange being you and your mom encountered when you were leaving town?"

I was confused. What was she talking about? But before I could ask, she continued.

"Samson wasn't the bad guy, Daniel. He actually scared that thing away. But it didn't come without cost... your mom was harmed in the process."

I felt like I was reeling. What did she mean? Why was she telling me this now? But before I could ask, she deviated from the topic.

"Daniel, please, leave Samson alone. He's not the villain you think he is. He's the reason why monsters like that one stayed away from you all these years."

I was quiet for a moment, trying to process what she was telling me. But then, a question burst out of me.

"Mrs. Deli,whats Samson's surname?

Is it Shon,Tod or is he Samson Forge?"

She paused, her expression unreadable. "I...I can't answer that, Daniel."

I warned her, my voice low and serious. "Don't lie to me, Mrs. Deli. Is Samson Forge my father?"