Dare To Know

Gabriel stood before me, his hands clasped behind his back, his powerful angelic aura radiating from him like an intense heat. My heightened senses, still reeling from my parkour feat, picked up on his inhuman energy, but I was tired of waiting. "I'm here, as you can see. Now tell me the truth!" I exclaimed, my voice louder than intended.

Gabriel reacted swiftly, appearing before me in an instant. I startled backward, almost losing my footing on the roof's edge. "Are you sure you're ready to know the truth?" he asked, his eyes piercing.

"Yes, I am," I replied, my determination evident.

Gabriel appeared before me again, and I stumbled backward, my heels scraping the roof's edge. "I need you to be sure, Danny. There's no coming back from this," he warned, his voice grave.

I balanced myself and met his gaze. "I dare to know the mysteries untold."

Gabriel backed off, turned his back on me, and said, "No, I won't tell you." I prepared to grab his garment, thinking he would vanish, but instead, he screamed, "I'm going to show you!"

Before I could react, the clouds darkened, and a lightning bolt struck me on the forehead. I fell, dead, but Gabriel used the lightning to astral project me. I opened my eyes to find us in a private graveyard, with only one tombstone. I fell to my knees, seeing the name etched on it - Magdalene Forge, my mom. She had died all those years ago, and now I would never see her again.

As my world closed in, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Danny." I stood frozen, knowing who that voice belonged to. I turned slowly, whispering, "Mom."

The voice was soft, gentle, and full of love. I saw my mom, Magdalene, standing before me, her eyes shining with a warm light. I felt a mix of emotions - shock, joy, and confusion. How was this possible? I thought she was dead.

I stood face to face with my mom's ghost, her ethereal form radiating a serene beauty. Her graceful features and tranquil expression seemed frozen in time, unchanged by the passing years. She wore the same dress, her long, curly hair cascading down her back like a golden waterfall. Seeing her like this was both nostalgic and emotional, stirring a mix of feelings within me. If souls could cry, I would have broken down in tears as she embraced me, her voice whispering, "Oh Danny, you have grown so much. I hope you are eating well. You seem a little too slim; you always wanted those muscles, don't give up on them."

Her words were a gentle reminder of her loving nature, but I needed answers. "Mom, why did you leave me?" I asked, my voice cracking with emotion.

She held me at arm's length, her eyes locked on mine. "Danny, look at me. I never left. I have been waiting all these years for you to come here." Her gaze was piercing, as if searching for understanding. "I told Samson to bring you here only when you were ready."

I frowned, her casual mention of Samson's name like a punch to the gut. "You mean you told my dad to hide the fact that you died from me until he deemed me ready to know the truth? Mom, the man you married is the Devil!"

She placed a gentle finger on my lips, silencing me. "Hush! You have no idea what you're saying. Your dad was kind, brave, and gentle." Her choice of words was telling, and I pounced on the hint. "Wait, you said 'was.' Mom, my dad and the man you call your husband is still alive."

She shook her head, her expression somber. "It's complicated, Danny. Your dad sacrificed himself to trap that evil entity in a permanent and mortal vessel."

My confusion deepened. "Who is this evil entity?"

She sighed, her voice heavy with sorrow. "They call him Belzebub, but to understand how evil this being is, we must go back to how it all started."

"Once upon a time, your dad, Samson Forge and met me. I fell deeply in love with him," Magdalene began, her voice filled with nostalgia. "After a year of knowing him, I confessed my love, but he rejected me and distanced himself. I finally confronted him on my birthday, and we had a heated argument. I broke down in tears, and he couldn't leave me crying, so he swept me off my feet and carried me into my house. As he tried to leave again, I demanded to know why we could never be together. He finally revealed his sworn secret: he was the reincarnated Samson, brought back to life to stop a great evil - the Prince of Demons, Belzebub."

Magdalene's eyes sparkled with determination. "My love for Samson only grew stronger. I understood his fear of falling in love again after Delilah's betrayal, but I was determined to melt his cold heart. I visited him often, cooking my best dishes to impress him. But one day, I found another woman in his house - Delilah, his infamous ancient ex-wife. I was furious, feeling like a fool. Samson chased after me, explaining that Delilah was the only one who could help us defeat Belzebub. I was torn between anger, fear, and confusion. How could Samson trust her again after she caused his first death?"

Magdalene's voice dropped to a whisper. "Delilah revealed that she was pulled out of hell by the Prince of Demons himself and was his mistress. Samson assured me she was on our side, feeling guilty for her past betrayal and tired of serving the devil. I was unsure what to believe, but Samson's conviction was unwavering. He was determined to stop Belzebub, no matter the cost."