
Daniel, my son, I remember that night like it was yesterday. We were fleeing from the entity that Belzebub warned me about - Azrael, the Angel of Death.

When he appeared, I shielded your eyes, pleading with you not to look, as he demanded I hand you over. Deli, our former babysitter, tried to help, but Azrael's power was too great. In a desperate attempt to protect you, I blocked his gaze, but he revealed his dark angelic face, letting out a piercing scream that almost threw you and Deli off the bridge.

As I saw his face, I felt my soul being pulled out of my body. I tried to hold on, but it was too late. My physical body fell to the ground, and I was left astrally projected, helpless to stop Azrael from claiming my soul.

But then, Belzebub appeared, grabbing my lifeless body. He saw my astral form and knew he was too late. Azrael reached for my soul, but Belzebub, influenced by his vessel Samson's love for me, lunged at the Angel of Death, determined to fight for my soul.

Oh, Daniel, it was a battle between two powerful beings, with my soul hanging in the balance. I was trapped, unable to move or speak, as Belzebub and Azrael clashed in a struggle that seemed to shake the very fabric of the universe. And in the end, it was Belzebub's love and determination that saved me, allowing my soul to return to my body, and reuniting me with you, my dear son.

The air was electric with tension as Belzebub, inhabiting Samson's powerful body, faced off against Azrael, the Angel of Death. The stakes were higher than the heavens themselves, for Magdalene's soul hung precariously in the balance. One touch from Azrael's ethereal fingers would seal her fate, and Belzebub knew it.

The two titans clashed in a burst of light and sound, their sabers meeting in a blur of steel and sparks. Belzebub wielded his blade with precision and strength, fueled by Samson's God-given power. Azrael, meanwhile, commanded the very fabric of death itself, his sword slicing through the air with an otherworldly glow.

The duel raged on, the combatants exchanging blows that shook the earth and sent shockwaves through the skies. Belzebub's sword flashed in the moonlight, striking true time and again, but Azrael's mastery over death allowed him to cheat fate itself. He parried each blow with an almost imperceptible gesture, his eyes fixed on Magdalene's soul with an unyielding gaze.

As the fight intensified, the air grew thick with the weight of mortality. Azrael's presence seemed to draw the very life force from the surroundings, leaving only a desolate expanse of darkness. Belzebub, undaunted, channeled Samson's strength to its limits, unleashing a flurry of strikes that would have felled a lesser foe.

But Azrael was no ordinary adversary. He seemed to absorb each blow, his power growing with each passing moment. The Angel of Death advanced, his sword poised to claim Magdalene's soul, and Belzebub knew he had to act fast.

With a mighty roar, he launched himself at Azrael, their bodies locked in a struggle that would decide the fate of Magdalene's very essence. The two titans wrestled, their movements a blur of power and fury, as they careened across the landscape.

Azrael's touch was mere inches from Magdalene's soul, but Belzebub refused to yield. He drew upon the depths of Samson's strength, mustering a final, desperate surge of power. The earth trembled as the two combatants clashed, their bodies straining against each other in a test of wills.

And then, suddenly, Azrael's form began to fade. He gazed at Magdalene's soul, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity, and then...he vanished. The Angel of Death had grown tired of the battle, and had chosen to withdraw, leaving Magdalene's soul safe from his grasp.

Belzebub stood panting, his chest heaving with exhaustion, as he gazed upon Magdalene's soul, now safe from the Angel of Death's grasp. He knew that this was not the end, that Azrael could return to claim what was his. But for now, he had won a reprieve, and my soul was safe.

As we stood there, the weight of our situation settled upon us like a shroud. Belzebub's words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the reality we faced.

"Magdalene, we need to talk about what's next," he said, his voice low and grave. "I can serve as a medium for you to say your goodbyes to Daniel."

I shook my head, desperation clawing at my heart. "No, there has to be another way. Can't I stay longer? Can't I watch him grow up?"

Belzebub's expression was sympathetic, but his words offered little comfort. "I'm afraid not, Magdalene. But there is a dark art that could allow you to a ghost."

I felt a chill run down my spine as I considered his words. "What do you mean?"

"It would allow you to remain on earth, but at a cost," he explained. "You would be unable to enter heaven, and once your goal on earth is complete, you would vanish until Judgment Day."

I hesitated, the weight of his words sinking in. "What goal?"

"Whatever you desire to achieve," he replied. "But be warned, Magdalene, this is a heavy price to pay."

I thought of Daniel, of the life he had ahead of him, and the memories we would never make. And I knew I had to take the chance.

"I'll take it," I said, my voice firm. "I have to see Daniel grow up."

Belzebub nodded, his eyes serious. "Very well. But know that this is irreversible. Once the spell is cast, there is no going back."

I steeled myself, knowing that I was making a choice that would haunt me for eternity. "I understand. Let's do it."

And with that, Belzebub took my body, and performed the dark art that would bind me to the earth. As the spell took hold, I felt my spirit torn from my physical form, and I knew that I was forever changed.

I looked at Daniel, my heart aching with love and longing. "Goodbye, my son," I whispered. "Belzebub, only bring him to me when he's ready to handle the truth."

And with that, my ghostly form vanished, leaving behind only the memories of our time together. Belzebub buried my body in a private graveyard, and I was left to haunt the earth, a spirit trapped between worlds, waiting for the day when I would be reunited with my son once more.