
Samson unleashed a hail of bullets from his massive machine gun, firing at Uriel with a ferocity that would have torn a mortal man to shreds. But Uriel was no mortal man. With a swift motion, he raised his hand, and a brilliant light burst forth, illuminating the dark warehouse.

As the bullets hurtled towards him, Uriel vanished in a flash of speed, moving at the velocity of sound. He reappeared behind Samson, his eyes blazing with divine fury. Samson spun around, his machine gun still firing, but Uriel was too fast. He dodged and weaved, avoiding the bullets with ease, his movements a blur of speed and grace.

With a swift kick, Uriel sent the machine gun flying out of Samson's hands, and it clattered to the ground, silenced. Samson snarled, drawing his dagger, but Uriel was upon him in an instant. The two clashed in a flurry of punches and kicks, their movements lightning-fast as they exchanged blows.

But Uriel's divine powers gave him the edge. He landed a devastating punch to Samson's jaw, sending him crashing to the ground. As Samson struggled to get up, Uriel seized him by the throat, his grip like a vice.

"You have brought darkness and evil into this world, Belzebub," Uriel growled, his voice like thunder. "Today, you will face the wrath of the divine."

And with that, Uriel slammed Samson into the ground, the impact sending shockwaves through the warehouse. The battle was far from over, but one thing was clear: Uriel was actually holding back.

Samson's possessed body was the only thing keeping Belzebub contained.He was sealed unable to jump from body to body.

This annoyed him as he rose up and snarled at Uriel. His eyes blazed with fury, and his muscles tensed, ready to strike.

Uriel, undaunted, charged forward, his fists flying in a flurry of punches.But Belzebub, in Samson's body, was no pushover. He retaliated with a strength that rivaled Uriel's divine power.

The two clashed, exchanging blows that shook the warehouse. Samson's fists crashed into Uriel's chest, sending him flying across the room. Uriel recovered quickly, as he fiercely he launched himself at Belzebub.

The two combatants exchanged blow for blow, their strength evenly matched. Belzebub's punches cracked the air, and Uriel's responded with a power that could shatter stone. The warehouse creaked and groaned under the force of their battle.

Uriel knew he had to be careful. He needed Belzebub alive and his vessel unharmed. Samson's body was still the only thing keeping Belzebub contained, and Uriel couldn't risk destroying it. He aimed his blows precisely, targeting Belzebub's face and torso, avoiding any vital organs.

Belzebub, however, had no such qualms. He fought with a ferocity that bordered on madness, his strength fueled by his rage. He slammed Uriel into the ground, the impact sending shockwaves through the warehouse. Uriel grunted, his back broken fiercely but he struggled to get back to his feet.

The battle raged on, the two combatants exchanging blows that could shatter mountains. But Uriel's divine powers slowly began to gain the upper hand. He landed a devastating kick that sent Belzebub flying across the room, and then another that slammed him into the ground.

As Belzebub struggled to get up, Uriel pinned him down, his grip like a vice. "You may have the strength of a Reincarnate," Uriel growled, "but you will not escape justice."

The warehouse fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the two combatants.

Uriel stood tall as he gazed down at Belzebub,who was still too dangerous to be underestimated,his eyes fixed on Belzebub, his expression was unyielding.

Belzebub, snarled as he lunged at Uriel again. His eyes blazed with fury, and his muscles tensed, ready to strike. Uriel, undaunted, charged forward, his fists flying in a flurry of punches.

The two combatants exchanged blow for blow over and over again, their strengths were almost evenly matched.

Belzebub's punches cracked Uriel's jaws, and Uriel's responded as usual with a punch that could shatter stone.

Belzebub continued to fight with a ferocity that bordered on madness, his strength fueled by his rage. He slammed Uriel into the ground, the impact sending shockwaves through the warehouse. Uriel grunted, his muscles straining as he struggled to get back to his feet again.

Uriel and Belzebub continued to beat each other to a pulp as they exchanged a flurry of punches and kicks, their movements lightning-fast as they exchanged blows.

Uriel's divine speed allowed him to dodge and weave between Belzebub's attacks, but the Reincarnate's strength was formidable, and he landed several solid punches that sent Uriel stumbling back.

As they fought, snipers stationed outside the warehouse fired shots that pierced the walls and struck Uriel in vital places.

He grunted in pain as a bullet grazed his shoulder, but he refused to yield. With a swift kick, he sent Belzebub flying across the room, but the Reincarnate recovered quickly and charged forward, his fists flying in a blur of motion.

Uriel met him head-on, their bodies crashing together in a shower of sparks. They exchanged blows, their movements a blur of speed and strength.

Belzebub landed a perfectly executed wrestling move, slamming Uriel to the ground, but the Archangel sprang back to his feet, his divine strength propelling him upward.

As they fought, the warehouse around them continued to crumble, the walls cracking and crumbling under the force of their blows.

Uriel landed a devastating kick that sent Belzebub crashing into a stack of crates, but the Devil in the body of the Reincarnate emerged from the wreckage, his eyes blazing with fury.

Uriel's divine powers allowed him to heal from his wounds, but the snipers outside continued to fire, their bullets piercing his skin and weakening him. Belzebub, fueled by his rage, pressed his advantage, his fists flying in a flurry of punches that sent Uriel stumbling back.

And then, in a sudden move, Belzebub landed a kick that sent Uriel crashing to the ground. As the Archangel struggled to get back to his feet, Belzebub raised his foot, ready to deliver the final blow.