
As we materialized in the abandoned storehouse, the dim lighting and musty air enveloped us like a shroud. The scent of decay and neglect hung heavy, a potent reminder of the space's long abandonment.

Uriel, Gabriel, and I fanned out, our eyes scouring the shadows for any sign of Belzebub or his minions. But the silence was oppressive, and the only sound was the soft creaking of old wooden beams.

My wounded pride and bruised body still lingered from my defeat at Uriel's hands. The memory of our duel still burned in my mind, a bitter taste that refused to fade. As we searched the storehouse, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards Uriel, who had so effortlessly bested me.

Gabriel's voice broke the silence, his eyes scanning the shadows. "Stay sharp, Daniel. We don't know what we're up against." I nodded curtly, my hand instinctively reaching for the dagger at my belt. I had no intention of being caught off guard again.

As we moved deeper into the storehouse, the silence grew thicker, like a fog that refused to lift. I could feel Uriel's gaze on me, but I refused to meet his eyes. I kept my head down, focusing on the dusty floorboards beneath my feet.

"Looks like we got here too late," Uriel growled, his sword still at the ready. Gabriel's eyes narrowed. "Or maybe we're just not looking hard enough." I shook my head. "I don't think so. Belzebub's not the type to leave his hideout unguarded."

Just as we were about to give up and leave, the sound of a car engine roaring to life outside sent my heart racing. Uriel stopped in his tracks, his head cocked to one side. "Do you hear that?" he growled.

As we burst out into the bright sunlight, the sound of screeching tires and revving engines filled the air. Belzebub's sleek black car sped away, leaving a trail of dust and gravel in its wake. Uriel took off after him, his speed blitzing like a flash in the sunlight. Gabriel followed close behind, but I hesitated, my fear and uncertainty momentarily paralyzing me.

"Wait, don't leave me behind!" I called out, my voice barely audible over the din of the engines. Gabriel turned back, a hint of a smile on his face. "Don't worry, Daniel. I'm not going anywhere without you."

With that, he reached out and touched my forehead, and we merged into our Arch Soldier form. Our bodies blended together, our strength and speed multiplying as we became a single, powerful entity. With a fierce cry, we launched ourselves after Uriel, our hands beating the air as we chased after Belzebub's fleeing car.

The wind rushed past us, our eyes fixed on the devil's escape route. Uriel was ahead of us, his speeding form flashing in the sunlight as he gained on Belzebub's car. We trailed behind him, our Arch Soldier form effortlessly keeping pace with the Archangel's speed.

As we raced through the desolate roads, the grass plains blurring around us, I felt a rush of exhilaration mixed with fear. We were chasing a powerful devil, and I had no idea what lay ahead. But with Gabriel by my side, our bond stronger than ever, I knew we could face whatever came our way. Together, we were unstoppable.

Uriel continued speed blitzing as he darted forward.Uriel heard the devil's laughter echo through the air, taunting him as he struggled to keep up.

I and Gabriel's Arch Soldier form trailed behind Uriel, with our every dash pounding the air in unison.We were gaining on Belzebub's car, but the devil's lead was still significant.

"Come on, Uriel!" Gabriel shouted, his voice carried away by the wind. "We can't let him get away!"

Uriel gritted his teeth, his eyes fixed on Belzebub's car. He poured on more speed, his form blurring as he closed the gap.

Belzebub's car swerved suddenly, taking a sharp turn onto a dirt road. Uriel followed suit, his form adapting to the change in terrain. I and Gabriel's Arch Soldier form did the same, our motion adjusting to the new angle.

The chase continued, the three of us hurtling through the desert landscape.

I gritted my teeth, my heart racing with excitement and fear. Uriel's speed blitzing form darted forward as he gained on Belzebub's car. Gabriel and I trailed behind, our Arch Soldier form pounding the air in unison.

"Come on, Uriel!" Gabriel shouted, his voice carried away by the wind. "We can't let him get away!"

Uriel gritted his teeth, his eyes fixed on Belzebub's car. He poured on more speed, his form blurring as he closed the gap. I could feel the rush of adrenaline as we gained on the devil's car.

Suddenly, Uriel's Saber flashed in the sunlight, puncturing Belzebub's tyre. The car screeched to a crashing halt, sending up a cloud of dust and gravel.

Belzebub's car suddenly vanished in the dense dusty air. Uriel skidded to a stop, his form hovering in mid-air. I and Gabriel's Arch Soldier form did the same.

Our eyes began scanning the horizon for any sign of the devil's car.

"Where did he go?" Gabriel shouted, his voice laced with frustration.

Uriel's eyes narrowed. "He couldn't have just disappeared."

The dust was too thick, blinding us from seeing anything. I anxiously searched the area, my heart pounding in my chest. Where was Belzebub? Had he escaped again?

"Uriel, where is he?" I shouted, my voice hoarse from the dust.

Uriel's form was a blur, his eyes scanning the area. "I don't know, Daniel. But we need to find him, now!"

Gabriel's voice was calm, but urgent. "Spread out, we need to search the area."

I nodded, my form moving to the left as Uriel moved to the right.The uncertainty of what could happen next took center stage, as our eyes stayed fixed on spotting Belzebub.

We searched anxiously, our hearts pounding with anticipation. Where was Belzebub? And what would we find when we finally caught up to him?