Day 1

Day one of the trial dawned, and the courtroom was electric with tension. The air was thick with the scent of old books and the faint hum of divine energy. Ariel, Jophiel, and Chamuel stood confidently before Michael and the jury of Angels, their eyes blazing with conviction.

Ariel began, her voice clear and strong. "Your Honor, esteemed members of the jury, the evidence will show that the Archdemons are beyond all reasonable doubt guilty, evil, and unredeemable Fallen Angels. They betrayed the trust of the Kingdom Above and sought to overthrow our Father Almighty. They almost turned us all against our creator, if not for you faithfulness and bravery Michael."

Jophiel continued, her words dripping with disdain. "Lucifer, the leader of the rebellion, manipulated and deceived his followers, preying on their vulnerabilities and fueling their discontent. Satan, his general and second-in-command, was the mastermind behind the plot, weaponizing one-third of the Angels against us."

Chamuel's voice boomed like thunder. "The Archdemons' actions are unforgivable, and they must face the consequences of their treachery. We request an instant verdict, that they may be cast into the Abyss, forever separated from the light of the Kingdom Above."

Leviathan took the stand, his eyes fixed on the floor as Asmo sat down at a nearby desk, his eyes locked onto Leviathan with a warning glance. The prosecutors began their questioning, and Leviathan's testimony unfolded like a dark tapestry.

"I wasn't disillusioned with Lucifer's leadership," Leviathan admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes flashed with defiance, his jaw set in a stubborn line. "I felt suffocated by the rules and restrictions of the Kingdom Above. When Lucifer approached me with his plan, I saw it as an opportunity for freedom, a chance to break free from the shackles of oppression."

Asmo's eyes narrowed, his face pale with concern. Leviathan's words spilled out like a pent-up flood, his body language screaming defiance.

"If Lucifer had succeeded, Michael and the Kingdom Above would have lived to regret it," Leviathan declared, his voice dripping with venom. "We would have shown them the true meaning of power. Instead, our rebellion was foiled by goodie two-shoes Michael over here."

The courtroom erupted into a collective gasp, the sound echoing off the stone walls. The jury's eyes widened in shock, their faces pale with horror.

Asmo's face fell, his mind racing with the implications of Leviathan's testimony. The prosecution exchanged a triumphant smile, their case against the Archdemons bolstered by Leviathan's damning words.

Asmo rose from his seat, his piercing gaze locking onto Leviathan's, and began his cross-examination. The courtroom was silent, the only sound the soft rustling of wings as the Angels shifted in their seats.

"Leviathan, you testified that you felt suffocated by the rules and restrictions of the Kingdom Above. Can you elaborate on what specific rules and restrictions you felt were oppressive?" Asmo's voice was firm but controlled, his eyes never leaving his brother's face.

Leviathan hesitated, his eyes darting to the prosecutors before returning to Asmo. "Well, I...I felt like we were being held back, not allowed to reach our full potential. The rules were too strict, too confining." His voice was laced with frustration, his body language tense.

Asmo pressed on, his voice unwavering. "But did Lucifer's plans originally involve overthrowing God and starting a war with Michael just to take control of the Kingdom Above by force? How did that suicidal idea align with your desire for freedom and less restriction?"

Leviathan's eyes flashed with defiance, but Asmo's gaze remained steady, encouraging him to continue. "Lucifer's real plan was to start a peaceful demonstration in heaven, but once Satan, Michael's viral soldier, got involved, things escalated quickly. I...I thought that Lucifer's plan would bring about change, that we would be able to create a new order, one that allowed for more freedom and creativity."

Asmo's eyes narrowed, his voice taking on a hint of skepticism. "A new order, with Lucifer as the ruler? Didn't you think that would be trading one oppressive regime for another?"

Leviathan's face twisted in frustration, his voice rising. "They don't understand, Asmo! They never did! They were always so content with following the rules, never questioning anything!"

The courtroom fell silent, the tension between the two brothers was defeaning. Asmo's face remained calm, but his eyes betrayed a hint of sadness.

"I think they will soon understand more than you think, Leviathan," Asmo said, his voice soft but firm. "Isn't that why we are here today? If we were so evil, then why didn't they try to save us from ourselves?"

The cross-examination continued, with Asmo skillfully probing Leviathan's testimony, trying to reveal the contradictions and flaws in the idea that Archdemons acted out of pure senseless and evil intentions.

He drew out important points from his brother's logical behavior, but Asmo also knew that Michael and the jury would remain stubborn and refuse to back down from their beliefs.

The outcome of the trial hung precariously in the balance, as the battle for truth and redemption raged on.

As the cross-examination continued, Asmo's questioning became more intense and targeted, aiming to clarify the details of Leviathan's story.

Leviathan however began growing increasingly weary and frustrated as he rushed to answer the questions.His responses became more curt and terse.

He was tired of being cross examined by his brother, tired of reliving the past, and tired of being carefully observed by the jury.

Michael and the jury listened intently, their expressions thoughtful. The tension in the courtroom builds as Asmo's line of questioning took a surprising turn.

He asked Leviathan about a specific event, a detail that seems trivial at first but reveals a crucial aspect of Leviathan's character. Leviathan's eyes flash with irritation as he continued to answer Asmo's barrage of questions.

Asmo's eyes narrowed, his voice taking on a piercing tone. "Leviathan, did you ever have any real intentions of harming the other angels before the war began?"

Leviathan's response was immediate, his voice firm. "No, I did not. Our goal was a peaceful revolution, a desire for freedom and autonomy. But once Michael and his followers sought to crush our movement, we were forced to defend ourselves. We did what had to be done to protect our own."

Asmo's gaze held steady, his eyes boring into Leviathan's. "And so, you justify the violence that followed as mere self-defense?"

Leviathan's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with a hint of defiance. "I justify it as a necessary evil, a last resort in the face of oppression. We sought peace, but were met with violence. We sought freedom, but were met with chains. We did what we had to do to survive."

Leviathan's words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the complexity of the situation.