Martial Way Book

Negator( level 1 ) - 1 negat points

Warrior Negaoer ( Level 25 )- 10 nagt poits

Master negator ( level 35) - 100 negat points

grande master negato ( level 50) - 1000 negat points

king negator (level 75) - 10000 neagt points

emperor negat ( level 90 - 100000 negat poits

god negat (level 100) - 10000000 negat poits


Ye Yang is exmaine the guns, although he never see guns or anything armed gear,

but right now he knows everything abut these guns, just like this guns is part of him

this might be sharshooter ability he has

"What should i do ? i got my wish from that god, so i have to kill negatoner, and in panicked i did something stupid, and

now either i fuck thoese two idols, that nearly impossial or just go out and kill Grande master level negatoner"

then he stand up go to his bed, and there was a book on written Martial Way

he picked up book, and open the book fisrt page

[ hello!, wellcome Martial Way, i am the Keoran, the writer of this book

here on book, i will make you the stronest fighter in Z- Space,

so plese be patinestce, it will take time to become strong, and floow the instrucution, otherwise there is chance that you might die! ]

"Wow!, what a indroduction of book"

Ye Yang trun the page

[ Chapter 1, Cleanless of the body

i dont know who are you, so also dont know what psyquie you havem how is your body contion is, or what envoirment is you living

so first we have cclean your body, once your body clean then it will return the zero state, after we strat your training

here the medicine you need accroinding your planeet

001 A- MMOU78

002 A- MHUY89

003 A- VHGT63

like this there were many pages listing, and Ye Yanfg trun his pages, but then he notice that after truning pafe that page disappper and then new page appere behid

truining many time he find it,

987 Z - YRSZ79 - Erosive Grass, Fierce Sun Grass, Mild Moon Grass

Ye Yang never heard of this intergirndent in his life, then many time checking online, he didnt find anything

then he check on Red Rainbow Site and only found Erosive Grass, actioun on three day later on city hall

and that actioun is only V.I.P entry, there is no way that Ye Yang can go, and Fierce Sun Grass, Mild Moon Grass there is not single info about this two

still Ye Yang has get these three things to make himself srtonger, to kill grande master negatoner

then, Ye Yang open his Macian system and then he open friend lisy

Alyssa the Witch - Level 2

Rina The Angel - Level 2

he click on Rina The Angel, then a voice came thourgh otherend

"Hello Rean, "

"he..hel...hello!, Rina"

"Yes, hehe, is something you want?"

"Ye..yes well things is like," then YE Yang expained his needs of Erosive Grass, Fierce Sun Grass, Mild Moon Grass to Rina

"Hmm... okay, i will send you the VIP pass of capital acution, also add money in your account, if in accutin money get short, then call me, okay?

and for the Fierce Sun Grass, Mild Moon Grass i will check these things too,

in meantime, you level up, we are already level 2, so before monday become levle 2 otherwise, alyssa will eat you alive, okay"




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