Chapter 21: Human Shelters

Deryn mentally confirmed to merge the two maps. The maps floated from his hands, moving towards one another. A few moments later the basic map was merged into the intermediate one.

The new map was slightly bigger than an intermediate one. It showed an area of 35x35km, a simple addition from the two maps used to form it.

He quickly skimmed over the new map, eyes widening at what he was witnessing.

There were 12 new kobold encampments. 6 of which had 6 tents which made them regular encampments. Whilst the other 6 encampments had 4 with 12 tents and 2 with 16 tents. When he went to loot the elite kobold encampment earlier it only had 12 tents.

This meant there were 4 more waves of enemies like the one he had to defeat for the test for him to face. Not only that but there were unseen encampments with 16 tents and he had no idea what to expect from them.

Deryn turned towards Mags. "What different between the 12 tent encampments and the 16 tent encampments?".

She looked at Deryn before trying to speak what she knew. "Small tents like... early battle. Big tents like strong small tents with more kin... strong kin".

It took Deryn a few moments to process what he just heard. "So the 12 tent encampments are pretty much what we dealt with earlier; whilst the 16 tent encampments have more kobolds and potentially a stronger stage of them". He asked Mags to which she tilted her head before nodding.

Deryn had a thought. He zoomed in to the 12 tent encampment and tried to use inspect on it.


< Level 2 Kobold Encampment >

INSPECT: An encampment led by a single elite Kobold warrior. A level 2 encampment can also have between 35-50 stage one kobolds.


He was surprised to see it work, especially considering he was only trying it out on a whim. The fact that it worked would give him the necessary knowledge to fight against these potential threats.

"I really understand how knowledge can increase my survival chances by an infinite amount system..." Deryn muttered. There was no response but he didn't mind that, instead looked at the 16 tent encampment to compare it to the 12 tent version.


< Pseudo Level 3 Kobold encampment >

INSPECT: An encampment that is stronger than a level 2 encampment but weaker than a true level 3 encampment. This encampment lacks only a stage three kobold to promote to a true level three encampment. It has 3 stage two kobolds and between 60-80 stage 1 kobolds.


Deryn sharply inhaled. It was only day 4 of the tutorial world yet there were enemies such as this. He wasn't stupid, he could fight a single 12 tent encampment due to the terrain and defence advantage he had. Yet with proper planning and ambushing, he could wipe out a level 2 encampment.

Yet with a pseudo level three encampment he couldn't do it. Not unless the 3 stage two warriors each split up, far away from one another so he had enough time to wipe them out one by one. If he did that however there was no telling how the surviving stage two's would react, which could potentially lead them to explore and find Deryn's shelter.

If that happened he wasn't confident the present him could defend against up to 80 stage one kobolds and 2 stage two kobolds. Not only that but at any point, one of the 3 stage two kobolds could evolve into their third stage counterpart. If the stats even doubled Deryn wouldn't be able to fight against it with his tactic, let alone if they increased more than that.

Deryn didn't feel demoralised though. What the present him couldn't do with utmost confidence the future he definitely could, for that he was sure. There were 4 level 2 encampments. He would use those as a grindstone to get stronger, also getting the elite kobold chests rewards at the same time.

If they worked the same way as the other two he had opened, then he could look forward to more stage two kobolds under his rule.


Deryn facepalmed. Even without the systems reminder, he had 2 stage two kobolds underneath him, Kev and Mags. This meant after taking out the stage one kobolds it would be a 3v3 fight among the powerhouses between Deryn's side and the kobolds side.

"No it would be a 2v3," Deryn thought. Now that he could see a further area around his shelter, there was no way he was leaving the shelter unprotected. The stage one kobolds and at least Kev or Mags would have to be situated here in case an enemy came to attack whilst Deryn was out.

He didn't want to lose what he had built up so far by being stupid. Deciding that unless he was fighting enemies he needed help with, both would remain here defending, whilst if he needed help only one would come with him. This left at least one powerhouse under his rule at the shelter at all times.

Deryn looked back down at the map. Besides the kobold encampments, there were also three goblin level 1 bases. He wasn't as surprised to see those as Owlen had talked about them in the region chat. He could wipe a level 1 encampment out in under a minute should they all be in the base.

At the top left of the map, a hundred or so metres from the forest was a valley surrounded by hills just like where Deryn had built his shelter. Upon zooming in he saw something which made him gasp out in surprise.



INSPECT: A shelter made by a fellow human. It's a level 1 shelter.

NOTE: Due to shelter belonging to a fellow member of the human race, detailed information that inspect can show is locked. Only basic information will be shown when using inspect on fellow humans and items under their ownership.


"The fuck..." he muttered. There were at least 4 shelters all level 1 in that valley.

Not only that, but he had also found that inspect was, in essence, nerfed when used against those from the same species.

It was a surprise, to say the least, and the system didn't answer any of his questions about this.

"Sure do like to go silent at the perfect time," Deryn thought sarcastically.



This time Deryn noticed the human-like response the system gave. It was an eye-opener to him as so far he had only noticed extremely deadpan answers from it or answers that were borderline sarcasm.

Deryn got up just shaking his head. Taking the second 10x10km map he got out of his inventory he emerged it with the one in his hand. The new map jumped to 50x50km, which was a slight surprise as Deryn thought it would only be a simple addition like the last one.

The map change didn't show too much more than Deryn had to be worried about. There was another 4 level 1 goblin bases and another 2 level 2 kobold encampments shown. Doing a quick mental tally in his head Deryn found the following.


The 50x50km map showed:

6 Level 1 Kobold Encampments

6 Level 2 Kobold Encampments

2 Pseudo Level 3 Encampments

7 Goblin Level 1 Base's

(At least) 4 Level 1 Human Shelters


It was a large amount for 50x50km he thought. If the map were to be split up in 2x2km squares then almost every square would be full from one of the above occupying it. For the first time, Deryn wondered just how big the doomsday advent tutorial world was.


The system replied in a timely manner so Deryn didn't bother it once more. This time it wasn't because of the lack of information, but rather the doomsday advent system didn't know itself, there wasn't anything about the size of the tutorial world in its database. Of course, it didn't tell Deryn this.



The plopping noise of Squidge moving around broke Deryn out of his thoughts. He wouldn't figure out anything at present so decided to leave it until a later time. He was doing this more often than note recently which had started bothering him slightly, but there wasn't much he could do about it.

He had a few plans in mind, but upon noticing human shelters derailed those plans. His first task now was to travel towards the shelters to talk to other humans. Deryn didn't feel as excited to do so as he thought he might, but then again, he hadn't felt all that lonely with the kobolds and system as his company.

Deryn grabbed squidge and walked towards the top floor, taking the air elevator to reach the new living floor. Placing the slime down on the sofa, Deryn wanted to have something to eat and a shower before travelling to meet the shelter owners.

15 minutes later and Deryn had just finished washing up. He left Kev in charge of squidge but both had disappeared in Deryn's absence. Walking towards the kitchen he saw a sight he would never forget.

Mags with Squidge on her head was chasing Kev around the kitchen table with its wand glowing. The slime's two dots on its body? face? (Deryn still wasn't sure) had expanded to 2 times their regular size, seemingly enjoying the ride.


Deryn's chuckle stopped the trio from playing around. They walked towards him before Mags hit Kev on the head with her staff to which he grunted but did nothing, hanging his head slightly low. Squidge seeing Deryn jumped from Mag's head before resting on his.

Deryn caught it before it could mess up his hair and held it on his palm laughing at the creature. Playing with it for a few minutes whilst helping Mag's learn English, it was time for him to leave he thought.

He ordered Kev to defend the shelter and for Mag's to look after squidge while he was gone. Getting into the buggy Deryn sent a mental prod to the necklace to open the gate and he drove outwards towards the human shelters shown on the map.

The gate closed behind him and he threw his hand back shouting he will be back in a few hours before proceeding forward. It wasn't a long drive. The shelters themselves were just over 20km away and with the buggy's speed, Deryn could be there in around 20 minutes if the terrain was fine, 30 if it was particularly bad.

He enjoyed the ride. This world was beautiful he had to admit. There was no pollution, at least from what he had seen so far. He saw trees bigger than the tallest trees on earth, with some of them growing out of others. A river, with water so clear, he could see the bottom of it, with the occasional fish swimming by as he drove next to it.

His eyes would dart left and right taking in the intoxicating view which surrounded him occasionally lighting up when he saw something he particularly liked, like a waterfall that landed perfectly in a giant tree trunk, which spurted water out of some holes at the bottom which fed perfectly into a river.


"It's beautiful..." Deryn thought.


Deryn gaped.

"System... thanks for the reminder but I know. It doesn't stop me admiring the scenery." He replied.

The system didn't reply to that.


Deryn braked the buggy before jumping out summoning a fireball in hand with his spear ready in another. A man walked out of the trees bow drawn, ready to shoot at him. Deryn observed the stranger closely.

He was slightly shorter than himself, with brown hair and a hunter's outfit which had a quiver attached to the back, filled with arrows. The man had a scar on his cheek, looking to be from the slash of a sharp weapon, Deryn couldn't be sure.

"My name is Deryn and I mean no harm" he slowly said to the stranger who looked particularly scared.

Deryn realising his mistake unsummoned the fireball in his hand, but still kept the spear and a mana shield ready just in case.

"DERYN? OMG, ITS ME CHRIS" Chris shouted with a laugh.

"Wait... Chris? As in Chris Leeds from the region chat?" Deryn asked.

"The very same!" Chris replied before taking his arrow, putting it back in his quiver before slinging his bow around his back.

As Deryn checked out Chris, Chris did the same to Deryn. It wasn't what Chris expected. The man in front of him, first on the world leaderboards, was 6ft tall, with blonde hair and a muscular body. But that was all, he found Deryn had an average face. One in which you might forget rather easily.

"HA, I really expected you to be some sort of 3m tall monster or a really thin nerd looking kinda guy" Chris blatantly said, laughing as he said it.

"Thanks... I think. What are you doing here Chris?" Deryn asked, slightly annoyed.

"Sorry I meant no offence" Chris replied noticing the other man's annoyance. Then he continued replying to Deryn, "I live not far from here will Cerry and Owlen among some others, hbu?".

"That's what they meant by region chat... I have a map that shows 50x50km around my shelter. I saw there were human shelters near here and was going to check it out. Scope out those living near me and trading should they have something I need". He replied back to which Chris nodded.

"The little community isn't too far from here, want me to show you?" Chris asked in visible excitement. He couldn't wait to show the guys who he found.

"Sure. Hop in". Deryn said, gesturing to his buggy. Chris promptly hopped into the seat next to Deryn who started the car and followed his directions. On the way, Chris chatted a bit more with Deryn. He was telling him about how they survived the first test thanks to his advice, as they had wiped out a few surrounding goblin villages.

The only difficulty they faced was the stage 2 goblin, it took them almost 30 minutes to kill the thing thanks to an arrow from Chris, whose chest was puffed out slightly during this part of the talk. It took them just under an hour to finish the first test and each of them was rewarded decently for having an above-average result.

Chris blatantly showed Deryn his reward. He didn't get a chest like a few others, instead whistled and a large hawk appeared in the sky flying alongside the buggy.

"His name is sparky" Chris proudly introduced.

Deryn was a little surprised and praised Chris. The eagle was apparently intelligent enough to be trained and had been the best lookout for the whole community as it could briefly link its mind with Chris's, allowing him what the eagle could see.

Chris had unlocked a tamer class but didn't go into too much detail about it, besides saying it suited what he did before being teleported which was a hunter. He lived in the forest and rarely went to town because of an incident in his younger years. Deryn didn't want to pry and had no particular desire to do so.

They chatted for a little more before Chris began a drumroll on the dashboard.

"Welcome to our little community mate!" He exclaimed in pure happiness.