Why not?

Roksolana stood up the moment she heard someone clear their throat, and saw Jamal standing close to her. Her first thought was to take out the knife and kill him with it, but her rational mind reminded her that it was a small knife and it wouldn't do much damage if she intended to kill the man in one go. Besides, the man seemed to be looking at her intently, like he was searching her thoughts. Roksolana decided that it would be better not to alert the man about her motive, she needed to succeed on her first try.

Jamal looked at Roksolana and wondered why she was so lost in thoughts, even though he was standing in front of her. She would have slapped him or stabbed him every other day, so why not today? If he was to look deep into her soul, he might find that she still wanted to kill him. She was probably just thinking about a much more gruesome way to do it. Jamal decided that it would be better to leave her alone right now since he wasn't in the mood to fight with her.