“My name is Azrauth Gangriun Oglonath Boggemeth Orroth Doghtun Baglal Drozrothen Zorrid Balvamor Xogokoth Ornoth Xogluth Trannith Ternen Fernen Kernen Gizredan Azradin Megredan Molrallin Droconaase Brarnen Arzamod Ostren Sagdroth Jogron Rulmoth Bakoluuch Okuth Sulgrith Sazrithak …”
William: “…”
“…Dralgren Rirnoth Baglan…”
William cut him off, unable to stand it any longer. “Stop, stop! Please stop!"
The creature stopped abruptly and looked at William strangely.
“Why is your name so long?” William asked, unable to bear it.
“Because of my different names and titles, known in various regions, that the people I have beaten have given me. But I don't think it's that long. I've said thirty-four so far, and I still have sixty-six more names I haven't said.” The creature's lips curved downward. It was obvious that he was unhappy.
"Okay okay. Understood. So how do people call you?” William felt that he would vomit if this name thing continued any longer.