Chapter Seven: The Visit


Lying in bed restless because of the coffee I had drunk, I decided I should call Kyle and let him come over. I have been horny and sexually frustrated. It had been a month since we last had sex, and Kyle had definitely given me something to remember and miss. Picking up my phone, I noticed that it was two ‘ o’clock in the morning.

Should I call him? I asked myself. I didn’t want to disturb him out of his sleep, but I was craving his touch. I have been stressed out lately and the best stress reliever I could think of at this moment is sex. Dialling his number, I heard the phone ring three times before his deep voice came over the phone causing my body to slightly shiver in delight.

“Hello, Nyla, what are you doing up so late?” He asked me in a groggy voice.

Now I felt bad that I had woken him up out of his sleep, but I can’t turn back now what’s done is done.