Chapter Eighteen: Seeing the Parents


I woke up in a blank white room that seems to never end. Getting up, I looked around and saw that there was no sign of life. Trying to figure out where I was, I walked further into the room before I came to a complete stop. Standing in the middle of the room were my parents.

“Mom! Dad!” I screamed while running toward them. I could see them smiling brightly at me before they wrapped me in a tight embrace. “Am I dead?” I questioned.

“No you’re not dead sweetheart,” my dad said while chuckling.

“But you have to go back,” my mom said sternly.

“Go back where, where am I?” I questioned.

“You’re in-between lives sweetheart and you have to go back, it's not your time as yet.”

“What happened to me mama, why am I here?”

“Someone pushed you, and you had hit your head pretty hard, losing your memory.” My mom replied.

“Who would do such a thing?”