Chapter Thirteen

Once Judi reached the entrance of Yap Art Paintings Cooperation ,she received a call from her boss ; Detective Ian Coony and hesitated for a while before answering the call .

"Sir!...."Judi was cut off by her boss angrily .

*I need you at the headquarters now !*Detective Ian Coony furiously said at his end .

"But sir !...."

*In no minute ,drop everything you're doing and get back here now !*

"Alright sir ! I'd be there in a jiffy ..!"Judi said with a glare at her reflection .


"Damn ! At the very tip of my achievement ,he had to come in and ruin everything !

Don't worry Ian Coony ,if I find the light out of the darkness in my investigation ,then I wouldn't need you or your CIDG to get my hands on the ruthless criminals that murdered my family in cold-blood !

However ,the task at hand is more important than the details I have to give you !"Judi angrily folded her fist and walked past the entrance of Yap Art Paintings .