Chapter Eighteen

With Ylona in Leo's arms ,all four of them stepped out of the club .

Leo put Ylona in the back seat since she was asleep.

“Alright then ,get into your cars and let's move !” Ken said but stuttered when he saw a sticky note in front of his car glass .

His heart skipped a beat before deciding to look at its content .

"Leo ! Step into the damn car and let's go !"Richard yelled .

“Oh shut up ! ..”Leo gave a quick comeback before stepping into his car to drive off .

While driving ,Leo kept banging his hands on the steering wheel out of anguish .

*You destroyed my life because I loved you but now I will destroy yours because I hate you ....I still live ,hun!*

“Argh! ”Leo stopped the car abruptly causing Ylona to suddenly wake up .

"Leo ! What's wrong ?"She asked, passing her hands on her face .

“Nothing ! Go back to sleep ...!”Leo said .

"Okay ..if you say so..!"Ylona laid back her head with a smirk on her face .