Chapter Twenty Four

"It's okay ! There's nothing to feel sorry about !

Besides ,I knew that certainly ,one day I'd be here !

Your mere presence here gives me hope that I still stand a chance with you !

I'm working hard to one day see the light again and start all over with you ! Judi !

Please don't ever give up on me !"Richard said with teary eyes .

"You know ? I've got something for you !"Richard said with a smile .

“What's that ?”Judi asked, wiping off her tears .

"This ![Richard puts a painting in front of her !]"

“My painting and our painting !

Wow ! This is so nice !

Thanks Rich ..!

At least ,I know that when I turn to the back of this painting ,I see our painting which reminds me that we once had a story together and the front is me ,reminding me that I've got the best artist in the world .

When I get to Thailand , I'll surely hang it in my room with much pride !