New job

Lucy arrived at the hotel on Tuesday, told the receptionist she needed to see the owner and needed to know his room number. Like he said, she should inform them she has an appointment. Lucy mentioned her name and before the receptionist replied, she gave this underestimating look. Like she's too small to see someone like Daniel. The truth is that she's really too small.

She went to the elevator, thinking of what he might want to offer. Could it be that he was those type of man who takes a woman's body before offering her a job? With the way he chats with her, he doesn't seem to be that type of man. She shouldn't judge yet.

Standing outside his room, she stared at the door. Wait, why is she nervous? She's always a confident woman and never scared of anything. Why now? She lifted her hand to knock but didn't know what stopped her.

Sooner or later she'd still go inside that room so why wasting so much time outside. She swallowed hard and then eventually knocked on the door. No reply, she knocked again and the door went opened by the man that made her nervous.

He offered a smile while he held the door knob. "Come in princess" he gestured for her to come in.

She forced a sweet smile and walked in slowly pressing her bag to her thigh as if hiding it.

Lucy's lips parted and her eyes widened, this room is... let her say two times better than the one Eric took her in. Maybe because Daniel is the owner, the room was specially designed for him. She thought.

The wall facing across the door was made of glass, instead of a window. By her right was a king sized bed, arranged perfectly like he hasn't touched it, across the bed was a big television. By her right again are two sofas having a table in front of it.

She admired the room and then realized she was still standing next to him. She felt his eyes on her, so she slowly turned to look at him only to see him studying her. She chuckled.

"Come let's sit" he motioned to the sofas by touching her back

Lucy sat down feeling uncomfortable by his presence. She thought of what to say to start a better conversation.

'Hi, how are you doing?'

'Hello, what do you have for me?'

'are you offering me a job by having my body in return?'

None seems right, they all sounded weird to her. She swallowed hard and turned to look at him again, to see him studying her with his thumb and his index finger supporting his head as he leaned on the chair. She forced a sweet smile. "So..." she really didn't have anything to say, that's why she started with 'so...' expecting him to continue by starting a conversation.

"I can see how nervous you are Lucy... Feel free darling" he said leaning closer to her with that mysteriously look on his face.

"You are trying to hide your expression but it keeps showing" he stated.

Now she felt more uncomfortable, she turned to him with a forced smile.

"You asked me to..."

"Yes, I got a job for you but..." He paused and gave her a stare.

She knew it, she knew he wanted her body before giving her a job. She hated men like that. Lucy didn't feel nervous in front of him after assuming he wanted that. Yes, she offers her body to men sometimes when she's so in need of money but never for a job, she finds that as a weakness. Making the employee look more like a loser and she definitely didn't want to look like a loser.

She wanted to stand up and tell him she wasn't interested but he continued. "The job isn't here"

She followed him with her eyes as he came to stand in front of her. He bent and grabbed her hand before leading her out of the room.

"Where are we going?" She asked, his hand covering hers as she walked beside him, she looked up at him as they find their way to the elevator.

He stopped looking at his direction when he felt her eyes on him. Their gazes met but he wasn't planning to stop staring and she also didn't, they kept the competition going until...

"Sir" someone called his attention. He eventually looked away.

She won!

She didn't listen to their conversation as she waited for him to be done. All she could think of was what job he wanted to offer her that wouldn't be in his hotel. She came back to the hall when he took her hand.

"Let's go" he uttered.

She nodded and went with him in to the elevator.

A man was about coming in too but stopped himself when he saw the look Daniel gave to him.

Lucy still hugging her bag, she asked again. "Where are you going?"

"My home" he replied simply.

"Why your home? I thought you said you got a job for me?" She asked.

Now she was asking too much, he narrowed his gaze at her and she pressed her lips before looking away.

He chuckled and to him, she was smiling.

Lucy wondered what his home would look like, if his hotel room was like that. So dreamy.

They walked out of the elevator to be accompanied by men in suit. She didn't look back to count how many they were.

The people around stared at her with disgust and she could see how they wonder, how she got to stand beside a very attractive and rich man like Daniel.

With Daniel not caring and listening to their greeting, she copied him as if they would greet her.

Standing outside the hotel, they only waited for some seconds before a white Rolls-Royce car parked in front of them.

The men behind them went to open the door for her while his driver opened the other for him.

Without an order, the driver started the engine while the men outside bowed.

Can't they quit that?!

Lucy couldn't help it, she remembered Eric, she noticed that he didn't like so many attentions and drove himself even when he knew he could be in great danger without anyone to secure him. She adored that part of him, to her surprise she ended up smiling when she recalled sitting on his lap and his always nervous looking face.

Lucy! Lucy! Get him out of your mind. She scolded herself and then looked out the window, the car was moving not too fast so no breeze.

"What's on your mind... Princess?" He asked and she wondered why he calls her princess, she is someone that's so very far from a princess, not even to be called one but she likes it that he calls her princess. She averted her gaze to him to see him busy with his tablet, she wondered what he might be doing on it. Well, what could she know about business so she couldn't pinpoint what exactly he was doing.

"Uh... Just thinking" she replied and then return her gaze back to the window.

"Maybe to die" she didn't even know why she said that but she was also thinking about her sickness, she had the attack again last night and it felt like she was going to die because of that pain. What if her condition had gone worse?

What if it had gotten to the third stage? She had so many what ifs.

What if she dies?

Why was she worried now? And besides, she doesn't have anyone she wanted to live for. The man sitting next to her wasn't even a reason for her to live. She just sometimes get nervous in front of him because he's so good at seeing through her and knowing what was on her mind.

She should just die and when she does, people wouldn't stare at her that way anymore instead they would hold a handkerchief to clean their fake tears on the day of her funeral.

"Funny, you can't be serious about that. Why would a pretty girl like you think of death?"

If only he knew.

"Yeah, funny... I'm just enjoying the view from here that's all" she trashed the topic of death when she knew he wouldn't understand.

"Okay, we are almost home anyway"

Lucy climbed down the car when the door went opened with the help of a man in suit as always. She looked up to see a big beautiful clean mansion. This is his home?!

It was so very beautiful, part of the mansion was made of glass, the windows were made of glasses. She had expected a dreamy house but this was beyond her expectations. She smiled at the sight of the house. Still admiring, she didn't know when Daniel came standing next to her.

She pulled her gaze slowly from the view to her hand that was taken by his. She looked up at him as if confirming it's him.

Who's this man? Why is he so nice to her and why is she close to someone she can never be with or be? The universe is playing with her again and she's ready to lose because she's always losing.

He took her in and they were welcome by two maids. Lucy was surprised the main door was made of wood, it's still beautiful anyway. The entrance was like a corridor with so many paintings on the wall.

Her hand were still in his as they followed the maids, Lucy almost bumped into the glass door because she never knew it was there if the maid didn't leave the door opened when they went in.

She smirked at her unawareness and thankful Daniel never noticed.

Passing through the door, she look ahead to see a staircase later leading to two parted staircases. By her right was a glass door viewing the swimming pool and her left was a way to another part of the mansion, she wondered where it led to.

"Hey smiley face" he caught her attention seeing how flabbergasted she is by seeing his home.

She's a low class girl so she'd have that look.

Smiley face? Why did he call her that? It made her look childish, she didn't like the name. Without smiling, she offered a smiling face.

Everywhere's just so clean and tidy, like it was clean every seconds, she looks around to see all his servants at work.

No wonder. She nodded, her lips turning down.

Suddenly he pushed her to the closet wall, leaning on his arm as he reach closer to her, his nose touching hers. She didn't flinch and she wondered why. Is it because it wasn't the first time someone had done that to her?

Daniel wanted to know the type of girl she is but it seems she's going to be hard to get into. She didn't look down like any other girl would, she looked straight into his eyes as if daring him to do whatever he wants to do.

He loves woman who are always blushing and also making their weakness so visible to him so he could get into them so easily but Lucy is different, he still wanted her anyway. He finds something in her that made him want her but what?

He went closer, his lips brushing hers and she closed her eyes. He smirked. She is a woman after all...

She opened her eyes. "What are you doing?" She asked and he could feel her breath on his lips. He felt the verge to kiss her but didn't, it wasn't the right time yet. With the use of his arm resting on the wall, he jerked off.

"Introducing to you... Your new job he replied, putting his hands in his pocket with a confident look.

New job? What job?

As if hearing her questions he turned around. "You are my new cook. My personal cook" he explained.

So now he is acting like the rich one while she, the poor one. She took his job offer as an indirect insult.

She stood there with her gaze locked in his with her smiley face.

The competition went on but Daniel who thought he's all women's weakness lost to the woman named Lucy.