Lost in the woods

Lucy had dressed up for the day, she doesn't have anywhere to go so walking around would do something. She was about to leave when someone knocked on the door.

Eric was surprised when the door went opened Immediately he knocked and he was welcomed with a sweet smile from her. "Good morning Luciana"

"Good morning"

"Did you sleep well?" He asked going in. She turned around, how can she tell him that she had been thinking of his naked body all night? She nodded.

"I slept well too" he lied, how can he also tell her that he had been worried for her the whole night? Then he lifted his hand and placed it on her cheek. "You are okay right?" He asked, having lines on his forehead.

"I am" she replied, she has never seen someone so worried about her and she likes it that he does. "So why did you come?"

"I'm not working today so I came to spend the day with you"

"Don't you have a girlfriend or other female friends?" Wait... Why's she asking?

"I do have many female friends but I want to spend the day with you" he told her and she was displeased that he has many not just female friends.... Many! Well, she should expect that because he's a hot hotspot.

"Okay, so where are we going?" She asked.

"Come with me" he took her hand and led her to his car. She sat on the driver's seat while he... On the Passenger's seat. "You can drive and I'd direct you to where we are going" he said. She smiled which he knew. He's liking the fact that they are already becoming close and that he can make her smile and laugh. Like Edward said the other day, she deserves happiness and her happiness makes him happy too.

Lucy dropped her bag on his laps before starting the engine and drove out. He gave her directions and they ended up in a place that led to the woods.

There were people standing with boots and with horses. She turned to Eric with a questioning look. "What are we doing here?" She asked. "Why are there horses?" Again, she asked.

"Do you know how to ride a horse?"

"No.... Oh!" She now realize. "I don't want to ride a horse" she said.

"You told me you want to get rid of the fear for the thrill ride. Why don't you try riding a horse first?" he suggested. She stared at him for a while and then took a sigh.

"If you say so" she said and they both climbed out the car. They approached the people there, he had a conversation with them and wore a boot, he climbed up the horse and gestured for her to come along.

Lucy swallowed, she has never ride a horse not even climb one. What if she falls and get hurt? She shook her head but he gave her an assuring smile and after a while she went to wear a boot. He outstretched his hand. "Take my hand"

"What if I fall?" She asked him and he saw fear in her eyes again, he sees that sometimes. He shook his head.

"I'm here for you okay? Now take my hand" he gestured again.

"Okay..." She looked at the black horse and then his hands before taking it, Eric draw her up and she landed on the horse's back with a gasp. Immediately she wrapped her hands around his belly.

Then the horse began to walk away from the people behind, it's motion was slow. Eric didn't want to frighten the woman behind him so he made it slow. Even with the horse going slowly she was she grasping his belly tightly. Well, he has always wanted her to lean on him and now she is.

When they were alone in the woods. "Should we go faster?" he asked her.

"Will I fall?" was her question.

"No, I told you I'm here for you"he said.

"Okay..." She muttered and soon the horse move faster, she held onto him tighter but later, she got used to it and felt a little at ease. "It's....fun Eric" she said the wave slapping her face as they ride faster. "Where do you learn to ride a horse?" She asked.

"My father's friend taught me when I was seven" he told her.

When he was seven? That's nice..

"You must have learnt a lot of things" she said.

"Well, Yes, I learnt to ride horses, how to fish, swim, shoot... I mean guns.. climb mountains... I learnt so many"

"Wow, you are lucky, I would want to learn too" she said and he glanced at her over his shoulder.

"I'll gladly be your tutor" he said. "Should I ask what you also learn in the past"

She was quiet "I didn't learn a thing, I was only used" she said after

"Ohh" he sensed he shouldn't ask how and why so he didn't. They became silent again.

"You remembered at the hotel when I was willing to give myself to you?"


"Well, I want you now" she said. That's the truth, she wants him so much.


"What?" she asked. "I'm just saying what I want"

"Okay" was his simple response which wasn't satisfying to Lucy. She now harden the grip around his belly and rested her face on his broad back. "I want you" she said.

Falling asleep on his back wasn't the plan but it was a great idea. Just then the horse lost it. She began to misbehave. Eric tried to calm her down but was not successful. "Whoa! Whoa!" He cried out but still she misbehaved.

"Eric what's going on? It's like the horse is crazy" she said and as if hearing her, the house ran faster and crazier.

"Eric!" Lucy screamed

"I don't think we can make her stop. Let's just jump down!" He screamed back.

"Jump? No Eric! Make it stop!"

"I can't, she doesn't wants to"

"She will" she starts to slap the bottom of the horse but it hurt her palm instead. "Stay still horse! Stay still!" She yelled but no success.

"Let's just jump down Lucy"

"I can't, what if..."

"We'll be fine okay... Nothing will happen to you" he told her.

"Umm... I don't know Eric"

"Will count to three and then we jump okay?"

"No okay" she replied, her heart pounding faster.

"1..." He took her hands. "2..." She closed her eyes. "3!" He loosen his grip against the horse but when he was almost down, she didn't go with him so he pulled her down with him. She hits her forehead her on the ground. Panting, he sat up and looked at her lying on her face. The horse had already went away. She'd be found but Lucy...

"Lucy! Lucy! Luciana... Look at me" he instructed her as he brought her to sit to see that her forehead had sustain an injure. "Lucy, I'm sorry please don't be upset" he said and pulled her in. He hugged her. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I should have listened to you. Please don't get upset" he apologized, ready to receive it from her. She pulled out and looked at him.

"It's not only your fault, I made the horse angry by calling her crazy and spanking her" she said.

Oh thank goodness! He looked at her forehead that was hurt, it was bleeding and then it began to rain heavily. It didn't even show a sign that it would pour down soon. He took her to stay under a tree to cover them a little from the rain. He cupped her cheek with his hand staring at her. "Does it hurt?" He asked.


"Your forehead"

"Yes...it does"

He stayed quiet thinking on what to do. He ripped his shirt from his shoulder and used it to wrap her wound. "Sorry" he said.

"Thank you" she appreciated and leaned against the tree hugging her legs to her chest.

Eric brought out his phone to call for help but there was no signal. They were deep in the woods, there can't be any network connection. "No signal Lucy" he told her and she stared at him.

"I'd try my phone" she took her phone, she tried but same case with hers. "Eric there's no signal... That means we are lost... Are we going to live here forever?" She asked no one in particular. "All this is your fault! I told you that that horse was crazy and we shouldn't go for a horse ride but you didn't listen to me... Now we are stuck here and might someday.... Die here!" She yelled at him.

Eric only stared at her waiting for her to finish. "You just told me it wasn't only my fault" he said.

She kept shut and glared at him.

"We are not going to someday die here... My people will find us soon don't worry" he told her.


"Yes" he replied and used his index and middle finger to poke her forehead.


"Sorry" he apologized, he has forgotten she got hurt there. She looked away smiling.

"It's cold" she spoke after being quiet for a while.

"Are you feeling cold?" He asked. Why wouldn't she? She's soaked by the rain and in the woods with so many trees... "Okay come sit in front of me. I'd cuddle you" he told her as she spread out his legs.

"No, no need" she said.


"There's a need" she said, stood up and sat between his legs while he wrapped his hands around her belly.