Meet Me, baby

Amelia's pov

After the terrible boring classes, I made my way to the lunch hall. Thank god Liam was there with me in the literature class. Though I like literature, the teacher was disgusting.

He is a big jerk, always coming too close to me when I asked something. I had to hold Liam's hand to stop him from attacking that scumbag.

Unluckily, Liam is not in my other classes except arts and literature.

An arm came around my shoulders, I didn't turn back to look who does it belonged, of course, I know whom.

"So, how were your classes?" Liam asked.

I shrugged, "boring".

He sighs, "And here I thought that you were a nerd."

I stopped with my mouth open, "You think I am a nerd?!?!!"

He smirks, "No, I don't think you are a nerd. I know, you are a nerd."

I huffed and hit his chest playfully. He took my hand and pulled me towards him.

I stare at his green eyes while he stares at mine.

He lowered his head as his breath fans at my neck.

"Amelia meet me at the nearest cafe after school" He whispers slowly which send butterflies in my stomach.

Suddenly he interlocked our fingers and we made our way inside the hall.

"One plate pasta and two juices" Liam ordered while still holding my hand.

I blushed at our joining hands. Everyone was looking towards us.

The hall was so big that everyone could fit in there. So there were lots of people.

Oh god! I am gonna die with embarrassment!

After having our food, we made our way to our separate classes.

"Wait up!!!" A sweet voice came from behind. A girl with long blonde hair came running. She took a deep breath and adjust her clothes. She then looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, myself Emily" she offered her hand to shake.

I looked at her. She looks sweet. She doesn't look like someone who is fake. We should not judge a book by its cover.

I smiled at her, "Hi, I am Amelia!!!"

She nodded, "Yeah I know, I am a member of the school's welcoming team. It's my first time welcoming someone. Sorry" She smiled sheepishly.

I chuckled. "No problem"

"So, you are going to Algebra class?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I love algebra," I said

Her eyes shined at this. "Really?, Cool. I love algebra too" She grinned and with that, we made our way towards the class.

After the class gets over, We make our way towards the exit.

"Sooooooo, would you like to go to the party?" Emily clapped her hands together.

"Uhh-" before I could say anything a voice cut me.

"No, she can't"

I turned and saw Liam standing there with his sunglasses.

Emily looked at him wide-eyed. I sigh.

Oh no

"Liam King" Emily whispered with wide eyes.