

Present (Trigger Warning)

Abramo glares at Richard who shivers again. Michael King was shocked, the fact that he has knows the Russin family for years and he wasn't aware of Amelia's childhood made him angry. But he covered it with his straight face.

Abramo was aware of the fact that Michael is angry and is going to 'discuss' it sooner or later. But right now, that was not his concern.

Abramo takes a knife in his hands and starts writing something on Richard's body. Richard screams in pain and tries to break the ropes but it was of no use. Two bodyguards come from behind and hold him still while Abramo continues writing, his face has a satisfied smirk on it.

After a few minutes of torture, Abramo stops and looks at his work. Michael comes from behind and grins like a psycho.

Words like a jerk, dick, and bastard were written all over his arms and chest. Blood was gushing out of the body, and the bodyguards visibly shivered, scared of their boss.