

Amelia's Pov

Darkness...is all I can see. Pain...is the only thing my body can feel. Fear...that's the only thing in my mind.

I can't wake up, I don't want to. I don't want to see what's around me, I won't be able to handle it. The only thing I want right now is to be in my parent's arms. My sweet parents...I wish I listened to them...I wish I hadn't come here...If only I could go back in time.

"Amelia...Baby" A voice whispers to me and I immediately recognise it. Liam...My best friend...my love is here.

"Li...am.." I swallowed. My throat was dry and It was difficult to form words. I hear someone pouring water.

"Here." I open my eyes and saw Liam holding a glass of water. I gently took it and drink it, taking small sips.

It was after I was finally able to see everything, I notice Liam's Face. Red and swollen...there were brushes all over his face. I touch the large cut that was on his chin and he hiss in pain, I jerked my hand back.