Author's Pov
The two people stare at each other with different emotions showing inside their eyes. Liam stares at Amelia who was holding her tears.
She never felt like this before, the guy who seems to claim himself as 'Liam' is not her real best friend, she is sure about it. His face, body, behavior, voice, expressions...everything was similar to her best friend but she just knew that this is not Liam. Maybe it was the way his words were harsh and not as comforting as were of Liam's.
A few minutes pass yet they didn't move. The tension around them was thick. The only sound was of the waterfall and birds chirping in a melodious voice, yet it didn't make anything better.
"Baby, why do you think that?" The young man asks, sounding desperate begging the girl with his eyes to believe him yet she didn't.