

Amelia's Pov

The cold wind slaps my face as the car speeds up to somewhere. My mind was blank and my body was numb. I sigh and close my eyes, leaning against the open window. Fuck...my head hurts.

A rough hand comes to my thigh and I jump with surprise. I glare at him in anger which he responded with a smirk.

"Do you remember my name, baby?" He says, his dark voice sending shivers down my spine. I bit my lips, feeling nervous.

"No" I whisper even though I don't want him to think of me as a weak person, I know that I can't trust my voice right now.

He smiles and turns towards the road. "I am Ace" In return, I nod.

I yawn, feeling tired from all this. Without me knowing, my eyes close and darkness engulfs me.

A few Years Ago

A 14-year-old Amelia was running around the pool, giggling and laughing as Liam chase her.

"LOSER!!" Amelia shouts mockingly and Liam chuckles, amazed at the girl's reaction.