

Amelia's Pov

I groan at the pain that shoots in my head. Fuck. Trying my best not the curse, I slowly open my eyes. Rubbing my eyes, I slowly sit up and looked to my right to see Ace sleeping on the couch.

Hmm...I looked at the digital clock and my eyes widened in surprise. 3:30 Am! Damn...I switch on the table lamp beside me and take the medicine beside it. After reading the name of the medicine, I took one pill out and pop it into my mouth. Grabbing the jar, I fill the glass and drink it.

What happened exactly...Oh right! The gunshot...panic attack...and the intense scene, all flooded my mind. I lean my body back on the headboard of the bed and take a deep breath. What the hell just happened?! My stomach growls and I sigh.