Amelia's Pov
I stare at the old, rusty iron door in front of me. My eyes then go up, taking in the large warehouse in front of me. As expected it was exactly how I imagined it, grey and old. A building at the center of a large ground.
Though it is really strange that there seem to be no guards here, it is a little suspicious.
Someone clears their throat and I look beside me to see Lucas starting at the building just like me. Noticing my stare, he turns towards me. I immediately look down, guilt consuming me once again.
"Will you always do this?" A question comes from Lucas. I stiff at the question.
"What do you mean?" I question even though I know the answer already. Lucas gives me a look that says he knows that I know.
"After this, you both will have enough time to discuss it so let's not waste our time right now" Another voice says. I roll my eyes at this.