
New Amelia

Author's Pov

Amelia stares at him, shocked. She wanted to say something, anything to show him that she was calm and not freaking out but nothing came out of her mouth. Her own voice betrayed her. Amelia's eyes went to her brother who was still there, alive. She releases a breath softly.

The cute kidnapper chuckles, "You love your brother, don't you?" He asks. Amelia turns to him, they were close. Very close and Amelia was feeling comfortable but she didn't let it show.

Finally gaining some courage, she makes eye contact with him and glares at him with all her hatred. The kidnapper raises an eyebrow, impressed by her sudden change.

"Whoever you are Leave him alone. It's me your father wants" Amelia says through gritted teeth. Her jaw was clenched, her breathing was becoming hard and her eyes had a fire in them.

The kidnapper unconsciously takes a step break which didn't get unnoticed by Amelia. Amelia smirks, she was enjoying this even though it was not the right time.