Earth's in danger, yet again


A few weeks earlier...

A familiar colossian red ship hovered above the Vegas Robotics as thunder and lightning flashed.

A creature stood erect on the top of the Vegas Robotics building which was isolated from the city.

The Ship stayed in It's position for some time then with the speed of light disappeared into thin air without leaving a trace.

The figure on the building top remained without moving an inch as crawlers gathered around it.

A beam of light struck the figure swiftly as it too disappeared without leaving a single trace.

Far from Vegas Robotics a man and woman who wore futuristic mechanical armour lay on the lush green grass scouting for the one creature that caused a massive bloodbath all around Roboland...

The Black Virus.


Lane ran out of the warehouse with his gun held tightly in his hands and his eyes locked on to the humongous creature before him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!