
[Light Heal has Leveled up to 5! +3 magic + 1 physique]

[Light attribute has Leveled up to 2! +5 to magic +2 to movement All light element skill effect +10% cost -5%]

[Charge Shot has Leveled up to 5! +1 to physique, +1 to movement]

[Mana control has ranked up to E- +25 magic]

[Night Vision has ranked up to E- +5 to physique]

[Druid class has Leveled up to 4! All energies refreshed +3 to magic +1 to movement]

NAME: Samson Michaels

AGE: 19





CLASS: Combat Officer

MANA CLASS: Druid (Lv4) 1%

RANK: Battle Acolyte


Wind (Lv1) Light (Lv2) Water (Lv1)


Physique 21

Movement 21

Magic 69


Firearms Mastery (E+)

Blades Mastery (C+)

Terran Combat Series: Lion Fist (D+)

Mana Control (E-)

Night Vision (E-)


Charge Shot: (Lv5)

Quick Draw: (Lv5)

Swift Thrust: (Lv3)

Lion Stomp: (Lv4)

Lion Strike: (Lv2)

Lion Claw: (Lv2)

Wind Blast: (Lv1)

Wind Drag: (Lv1)

Light Heal: (Lv5)

The soft touches of sunlight peaked over the crown of a massive tree. I was still in the drop pod, but by this point the hatch had already been completely destroyed. My leg was completely healed, I just have a few aches and my arm was well on it's way to stop hurting Everytime I moved. Maybe another round or two of light heal would solve both problems, but I couldn't bring myself to use magic again.

Even with the level ups refreshing my energies I was already at the limit.i couldn't do it again, I was mentally exhausted, even if my body seemed okay. I needed sleep, I need lots of it.

In front of me was a mountain of carcasses, I lost count of how many Yurkets I killed after the 84th one. Never the less I was still being observed by command, due to an enchantment on the weapons and my uniform. This way the achievements of all their troops could be tracked and promotions given in due time, it also keeps an eye on the situation on the battlefield so that they could react accordingly.

But at this point I've grown apathetic to the knowledge. I spent the entire night here without even a hint of a rescue, obviously they thought I was a lost cause. I felt inclined to believe that my only family had abandoned me, but I knew there wasn't much he could do. The limits of the power and influence he had was getting a boy without a miracle into officer school and getting him an evolving battle tool. I was completely on my own.

There was a lake in front of me, my pod had crashed at the foot of a tall cliff, and the Yurkets had their home in a cave 4 meters above my pod. I literally delivered myself to their doorstep, which explained why they seemed so endless and I had to spend an entire night killing them.

My Hand cannon was out of ammunition, of the two handguns I had one had also run out of bullets and I only had about 3 left in the last one. Luckily for me, I only need a well placed bullet to the eye, skull or neck of the Yurkets to kill them, which made it possible for me to survive the night.

It would have been completely impossible for me to use the assault rifle. And even then I wasn't sure I could use it. It was too loud and definitely usage of it would attract attention. I still had the battle tool, but ultimately I needed to get cleaned and get the fuck out of here.

For the moment I didn't need to worry about any other predators, the Yurkets were territorial, not even the lake itself would have been safe from the onslaught of their attack should any other predator have made it's home there.

I shook my head and unclasped myself from my seat, black blood was caked all over my body, covering my earlier vomit. But then again the discharge within my uniform was still there, and the stench was almost unbearable. I took a step forwards and fell down with my face smashing into a pool of shredded Yurket intestine. I shuddered, but dragged myself up with both arms, ignoring the pain I was feeling until once again I was in an upright position.

My breaths were deep and erratic, my head seemed full as a wave of dizziness hit me. But nevertheless I couldn't stop now, I slowly stripped, not at all caring about my modesty, before stumbling forwards, one step at a time until I fell into the lake with a splash. The water was cold, but I could feel it washing away all of my fatigue and exhaustion. I scrubbed a bit, feeling the need to get clean. I needed to see my black skin unblemished by the black of the Yurkets insides. I scrubbed hard, and then I cried. I couldn't help it, this night alone was hell and more than I signed up for, and so I cried and got cleaned and then I laid on the water with my eyes to the blue sky above, and just before my eyes closed I couldn't help but ask with all the pain and loneliness in my voice.

"Uncle where are you?"


"Captain Taiye your request has been denied. It matters not to me that it's your nephew that's down there, there are dozens more of other capable well trained miracle chosen officers that are displaced within that bloody forest. Many of them are already dead, and though your nephew has proven that he has the mettle and courage to match any of his cohorts but! He is not a priority!

And there is no way In hell I'm sending down the best teacher the Terran alliance has ever known for one kid. This is war! We are making plans to rescue them and several attempts have been made. The forward base was hijacked and the elves are using our own weapons against us.

And at the moment many of these promising young officers are heading in that direction, to their deaths! So I'm under a lot of pressure to save their lives as a great deal of resources has gone into training this batch of officers.

As soon as we can get around the radar of the forward base, we will launch a rescue operation for all of them, including your nephew. Be at ease, he was your worst student yet on the field, even with his injuries his abilities have been the most impressive. I'll personally put in a request for his immediate promotion once this is all over. So have a little faith and get the fuck out of my office! you're dismissed!"

He could do nothing but grit his teeth and give a standard military salute.

"Sir Yes Sir!"


There's this moment before you wake up from sleep, a moment when you suddenly realize where you were, where you stupidly fell asleep and wonder if you were still dead or alive....this was such a moment.

I shot up with a panicked expression, took a quick look around for any enemies as my heart began to beat at a mile a minute. My knees felt week, but that might just be because of the adrenaline. I looked up at the sky,and frowned. The sun was just above my head, Alfheim had shorter days than Earth by about 9 hours as opposed to Earth's twelve.

There are seasons when the days are longer, but that's usually during it's winter period. It was noon, so I was probably asleep for about 3 or 4 hours. That wasn't nearly enough sleep time for everything I've been through, but I was a soldier, officer or not 3 to 4 hours of sleep was enough for me.

I dragged my tired body back to the drop pod, I opened up my back pack and retrieved my battle armor. I should have gotten an officer's uniform too, after all I just graduated officer school, but I was a fluke. With no miracle even if I attended the school and my records say so, I couldn't graduate an officer.

What I did have however was a standard issue battle suit. On Earth it would be nothing more than simple clothes, but here? It was what gamers would call a rare or epic gear.

The material it was made from was impact absorbent and it constantly used Mana to strengthen itself. The suit could be upgraded with skills gleaned from the cores of monsters. Every soldier could only have one battle suit for a lifetime, it was just as rare as the evolving battle tool, but was made accessible to all soldiers.

This was our armor, it started this war with you and it will end it with you. In simpler terms, the damn suit levels up. But in a different manner entirely. All monsters have cores, it's practically what sets them apart from the elves and humans. Their cores are highly compressed balls of Mana, holding the sum of their total life experience and skills.

Feed the cores to the battle suits and they will absorb said memories and replicate it. Growing stronger the longer they absorb Mana and growing more slots to hold more skills or improve on older ones. Then again one core is not enough to teach the suits a skill, depending on the grade of the monsters. 1 to a 1000 cores are required.

The Yurkets have cores too, but theirs are hollow. They're attribute less without skills, relying on just their natural ability to hunt and survive. Using their cores would be a mistake, so I'd rather just hurry the fuck out of here, find a base, report for duty and when I get a chance. Head to a dungeon and hunt monsters to evolve the suit and my battle tool.

I got geared up quickly, hanging the assault rifle on my shoulder and the battle tool which looked like a simple 7 inch cylinder on my hip. My handgun with three bullets left was in my right hand, ready to go off at any slight provocation.

"Light Heal! Light Heal! Light Heal!"

I could use the light heal skill about 10 or 12 times now before I run out of Mana. However just three, one to my leg and two to my arm should be enough for now. Without a miracle my Mana was all I had, I had to use it sparingly or I'd find myself dead soon enough. The pain from my arm and leg were pretty dull by this point so I should be able to handle a couple harsh movements.

I took a look of my surroundings, the cliffs actually surrounded the lake with only a small path leading out of this small encirclement on the opposite side of where I was. It was pretty much well hidden, that was my way out, but before that...

(Beginning self destruct sequence is 10...9....8)

Well I guess it's time to get the fuck out of here. It was standard protocol to destroy every military equipment that goes out of commission on the battlefield. We didn't want to arm the elves anymore than we already have. I ran round the perimeter of the lake as my drop pod exploded in a conflagration of flames and molten metal.

There would be nothing left but hardened metal slab by the time they fire had run it's course. I held the handgun and got to the path in record time. It was cut into the cliff and was quite narrow, I would have to turn my body to be able to move through it.

I didn't waste time, I knew command could still see me, but I didn't take a radio or any other communications device as we all thought we were heading for the base. Being thrown off course was not a part of the plan.

Just like the military uniform the battle suit had the same enchantment. It would be activated on all combat missions, though that meant as soldiers you practically didn't have any privacy. But it wasn't too bad, you get the ability to turn it off when you become an officer with a bit of rank.

None the less this wasn't something I had to worry about now. There should have been a rescue or at least a signal flare gone up by now. But so far I've not noticed anything like that, not unless the other cohorts were rescued and I was left behind. But that should be impossible, they would at least light up a signal flare for me to follow and get to them.

I wiggled my way out of the path and into the embrace of a dense copse of trees. The terrain was actually elevated with a small depression naturally formed to make the entrance to the encirclement. I really couldn't see much, so I had to go left and follow the incline to the top of the cliffs.

It didn't take me long, though my leg was aching really fiercely by the time I got to the top. The encirclement itself was a basin in the Earth with the lake formed within. My pod came crashing down from the north..I think?

But judging from the direction and the trail of destruction I could see my drop pod made. The base should be somewhat north of here, but elves could have already discovered the trail, so the best thing to do would be to skirt the edge and find the location where I first made Impact. I could then estimate the location of the base from there, at the very least I don't think I was thrown too far off course from the base....at least in a drop pod crashing from the sky point of view.

From a human point of view, it might take me a few days to find it. None the less I at least had a goal now, so I better start walking. Staying in one place for too long was tantamount to suicide, time to get a move on.