It is generally a clear day with only a small formation of cirrus clouds in the blue sky. However, the blueness of today’s sky is nowhere near the feeling of Sun, especially when he should be happy that it is his birthday.
He spent the night in Exeter’s room, where he was unable to sleep. He was supposed to get something from his boyfriend that night, and to sleep with him in one bed. Yet, none of those transpired.
Instead of Exeter attending his birthday later today, Sun will be attending his Grumpy’s funeral bathing ceremony in an hour or so. He and Elixir are at the dining table waiting for Mr. Robert and Mrs. Jane. Sun looks at his phone, and there are a lot of birthday greetings sent to him. However, he did not reply to any of them – not even a reaction icon or emoji.
“Happy birthday P’Dauwan! I haven’t forgotten that it’s your birthday today,” said Elixir to try and cheer him up.
“Thank you, N’Elixir,” said Sun back with a Wai.
“Are you okay, P’? asked Elixir after seeing the five-o-clock bags under Sun’s eyes.
“Krap nong. It’s just that I did not fully sleep last night,” Sun answered.
“That makes two of us P’. I couldn’t sleep alone in my room, so I transferred to Ma’s room, and…”
“And what?”
“We heard you crying last night. Ma told me to sleep with you to keep you company, but I was dozy to even walk.”
“I was just very sad, nong, but I am okay now. Don’t worry,” reassured Sun. He may only look okay because he has just showered and dressed, but he is really not – not even close.
“Sawadee krap Ma. Sawadee krap Pa,” greeted Elixir when he sees his parents walking towards the table. Sun does the same.
After returning their greeting, Mrs. Jane proceeds to sit, while Mr. Robert gives a gentle press to Sun’s shoulder before heading to his spot at the table. “Happy birthday N’Sun. Be strong. Be strong like the way we are trying to be,” Mr. Robert told Sun.
After breakfast, Mr. Robert and Elixir proceed to their car. Mrs. Jane, however, told Sun to stay at the table. She moves to the chair next to him.
“Happy birthday N’Sun. After the bathing ceremony, you may go to celebrate.” said Mrs. Jane.
“Thank you, auntie,” replied Sun. “I’d like to stay at the temple to help with the guests.”
“We’ll take care of the guests. You should go to your house for the mean time. Today is your day. You can come back to the temple tomorrow.”
“I have no reason to celebrate anymore.”
“Yes, you do. Besides, you need to rest. I know you did not get enough sleep last night.”
Sun did not answer immediately: he is trying to understand what Mrs. Jane is saying. It is not that she is prohibiting him to attend the rites. Rather, she wants him to treat this day as his birthday rather than a grieving day.
“Okay, auntie. I will come with you on the way to the temple, and then, take a cab back here before I go home.” he finally said. Mrs. Jane’s words must have at least made sense to him.
“Okay, nong. We put our gift for you in Exeter’s bed earlier before we went down for breakfast.” Mrs. Jane said, after which, she kisses Sun in the forehead. They both get up from their seat to join Mr. Robert and Elixir in the car.
No one in the car speak while they are on their way to the temple. Only the sound of the engine, occasional honking, and the ticking sound of the turning lights can be heard inside. Even the stereo is off.
“Oh, N’Sun, last night when we got home from the morgue, we brought home Exeter’s things that were not part of his will. He had some things for you. We left them in his room too,” said Mr. Robert to break the stillness.
“Krap uncle.”
Inside a room in the temple, Exeter’s body is already laid in the middle. The ceremony begins with prayers and hymns, followed by the bathing ceremony – a process where the loved ones of the deceased take turns in pouring blessed water into its hand.
“I promise, Exeter, I will sort this out for you. I promise,” whispered Sun as he pours water into Exeter’s left hand. Sun sees that the ring finger has a pink-gold ring inserted into it. It is a nice ring, which Exeter may have bought for himself in Morocco. He, then, remembers what his Grumpy told him when they talked on the phone yesterday.
“I have a surprise for you.” This keeps ringing in Sun’s ears as he pours water in Exeter’s hand where the ring is. After the ceremony, Sun approaches Exeter’s family to bid goodbye.
“Excuse me, auntie, uncle. I will be leaving now. I’ll be back tomorrow for the wake.” said Sun to Mrs. Jane.
“Okay, nong. Happy birthday,” said Mr. Robert as they prepare for the next succeeding rituals.
“You try and enjoy today, N’Sun,” added Mrs. Jane.
“Krap. Thank you.”
“I hope you enjoy our presents for you, P’,” said Elixir.
“Khob khun krap nong.”
Sun leaves the temple, then hails a cab to get back to Exeter’s house. While on his way back, he got a call from his Aunt Mika.
“Happy birthday N’Sun!” greeted his aunt.
“Sawadee Aunt Mika. Thank you.”
“When will you be coming home?”
“I’m on my way. Maybe I’ll be there by lunch time.”
“Okay, nong. Bring Exeter with you.”
At this, Sun’s emotion quickly rises. He tries to hold back his tears, as much as he can. He just has to stall telling her the truth until he gets home.
“Okay, auntie,” he said simply. His voice is breaking, but luckily, Aunt Mika was unable to hear it. “I have to go now. I’m fixing my things,” lied Sun. The truth is that he just doesn’t want to further talk.
“Okay, nong. I’ll see you later.”
When Sun gets back to Exeter’s house, he immediately goes up to their room to prepare his things. Indeed, atop the bed, there are three wrapped boxes, which, he guesses, are from Mrs. Jane, Mr. Robert, and Elixir, separately. Beside them is a small, black, and unwrapped box with the word “Cartier” at its top side. He quickly opens it, and inside is the same pink-gold ring that is in Exeter’s hand. However, there are two slots inside the box, and the other ring is missing. Surprised, Sun picks up the ring, and on its underside is engraved “Grumpy”. Then, everything in his head falls into place.
The surprise that Exeter was talking about is a marriage proposal to him, and the ring in the small box is the one he will give him today on his birthday had it not been for the accident. He is sure that the one in Exeter’s hand has the words “Snobby” on it. With this, he feels sad again, nearly tearing. It could have been the greatest gift that he would have ever received today on his birthday – his boyfriend inviting him to spend the rest of their lives together. He picks up the spare and puts it in his ring finger.
He opens his other three gifts afterwards: he got a shirt from Elixir, a cologne from Mr. Roberts, and a pocket-sized flashlight and a planner from Mrs. Jane. He, then, proceeds to prepare his things before heading to his own house.