A short while after, a tall dark man appears from the aisle beside the concierge table and is walking towards the bench. He has a large body frame that could have been because of unwanted weight. He gives a Wai to Sun when he reaches him.
“Sawadee N’Sun,” said the man to Sun’s surprise.
“Sawadee P’,” replied Sun, returning the Wai. “I’m sorry, but how do you know my name?”
“You don’t remember me? I saw Exeter and you kissing at the lobby of Pharm Institute when you went there one time.”
Khan lets out a chuckle, and so does Mags. “I never knew you can do something that daring, Master Sun.”
Sun wants to hit Khan, but for the sake of not raising anything suspicious, he ignores his Sentinel.
“You’re Doctor Neenga? Doctor Patrick Neenga?”
“Yes, N’Sun. Apart from your family’s new business partner, I am once a colleague of your boyfriend, Exeter.”