Chapter 77

What is it Master Sun? checked Khan.

“Do you have the ability to see if a soul is a Wayward or Tasked one?”

“There is a spell for that. Why?”

“Naahh. That will be pointless to do,” answered Sun, sending his idea to an imaginary bin.

“Wait. What do you have in mind Master Sun? Let’s hear it.”

“I thought that if you have that kind of spell, then you can use it against P’Niki when I invite him over. However, if he has some kind of protection, then it might not work.”

“But he may not have always had that protection of his, right?” Khan looks intently at his Subject, trying to convey a message.

Sun ponders at what he has just heard, sensing that his Sentinel is plotting a course to somewhere. “I’m listening P’Khan.”

“If P’Niki is indeed a Wayward Soul that is being protected by a charm, he must have just activated that charm after he died.”

“What about for living ones P’?”