“A covenant between Conveyor and Obedient. Bind it strongly to avoid ill-effects.” As soon as Khan said this, his Glaive shines a blinding light. It fades slowly until only it and the hands holding it are shining.
“Master Sun, the fight may put you in jeopardy if you hesitate to obey me. I will do everything to protect you, but in return, you must do what I tell you – all of it. Do you understand?”
“Yes P’.”
Two coils of fire shoot out from the Glaive and wrap around Sun’s and Khan’s hands. Afterwards, they disappear.
“If I tell you to hide, will you hide?” asked Khan.
“I will.”
The coils appear again, wrap around their hands, then disappear.
“If I tell you to run, will you do it without question?”
“I will, P’,” answered Sun, nodding but thinking a bit longer to answer than in the previous question. The fiery helixes did their thing again afterwards.