Excited to go to the seaside that has a sentimental value to him, Sun books a grab car, more than willing to go to the site despite his Grumpy being absent.
“What’s so special about that place, Sun?” asked Nom as they sit at back passenger side. Exeter is at the front passenger seat beside the driver.
“Last year, Exeter promised to take me there after he comes back from Morocco to give me my birthday gift.”
“What gift?”
“This,” said Sun, showing the fiancé ring on his finger. “I got this after he died. He also told me that we would dance there.”
“Judging from what you said, I think he would have made a marriage proposal to you.”
“Yes Nom, but then, fate took a different turn.”
“I see. That is sweet.” Nom looks at landscapes by the window, which is moving in a steady pace as they traverse the highway.