World Merger

If you had to describe Kimarya, one of the first words would be decisive. She always stuck to her choices, whether that decision is sound or completely irrational.

When she makes a choice, she fully commits. She views failing because of poor planning as far more tolerable than failing because of second thoughts or hesitation.

After years of being consistent and loyal to her decisions, it steeled her will and made her that much more decisive.

She made her way in the original direction she got from Sunny.

"Sunny, tell me—"

**Sunny** Sorry to interrupt, but walking back at night has too many significant risks. The tree there by your right seems to be the most suitable rest stop for the night. Let's head there before making a plan of action.

Kimarya quickly nodded in agreement. Doing too many things in a new and uncertain environment is obviously setting yourself up for failure. Especially not in such an unfamiliar place. She increased her already brisk and nervous pace, but towards the tree pointed out to her.

After climbing up a considerable height in the massive tree and nestling in a secure spot between many branches, she asked, "Sunny, what would you consider our most important goals?"


Priority wise:

Body update, surviving the trip back to the village, planning how to hide this body swap, and village politics.

Kimarya sighed "Might as well start in that order Sunny, so glad to have you in all this."


Starting with the detailed body update, you're roughly 2.13 meters tall.

She sucked in a quick breath–

As I originally mentioned, your new muscle density is extremely dense as well as having a unique cellular structure that reduces weight while also increasing the efficiency of both slow and fast-twitch muscle fibers.

You have various new organs, some seemingly falling into redundancy in that they take up and overly support your immune system and other bodily functions, so this body likely has absurdly strong resistances to sicknesses, diseases, toxins, radiation, and so on. The toxins of that mushroom-like tree must be on a whole other level to have taken the life of the previous host of this body!

The most astounding thing is an almost perverse level of vitality! It's robust enough to more than comfortably sustain several upgrades of myself with computing strength, sensing capabilities, and management of bodily functions as your subconscious.

There is also an extremely bizarre amalgamation within your body overlaying all your organs, its is a combination of electromagnetic radiation and an unknown energy. It's densely packed within the body, tied to your life force, brain, nerves, and even further. I don't quite have the capabilities to scan deeper to see the full extent. This is something completely new that I can only describe as a subtle organ… maybe even a secondary body that is complementary to your physical one, essentially a whole new organ system in a way.

Understand it as what makes it so you can "cultivate".

Kimarya interrupts, "Cultivate what? What is cultivation? Is it like what I've read in oriental stories of ancient monks attaining power through meditation, martial arts, and analyzing the laws of the universe?"

**Sunny** Precisely, such a capability is verifiably existing within you. There was no evidence of this in our past world. Currently, I will need some downtime to upgrade functions and capacity. It would be best to not do something so intensive, such as cultivating until after safely reaching the village.

Something I can do now is to assimilate the current remnants of the subconscious of the host body into myself to induce a more harmonic balance within this system. As well as a quick jump in processing, an enormous increase in proficiency while doing multiple tasks will start after you sleep.

Another big thing I've noticed, the host body's survival instincts are disturbingly unfathomable. To degrees, I considered having been impossible. After going through the memories, I came to understand that they had the potential and talent as a sort of ultimate instinctual fighter. Many in the village referred to her as "Supreme warrior without a soul" after several instincts with other kids. They value the fighting, but her being on the spectrum made her out to be the embarrassment of the clan.

Common knowledge of the autism spectrum here is almost nonexistent. Likely, the previous host just couldn't make the necessary connections with cultivation and was stuck within her head. They were seen as a joke; the village considered this as a punishment from the gods. She had instincts that no one could not compare to, but she couldn't or wouldn't cultivate. "Giving such a gift from the heavens onto the body of a fool without a soul."

It truly was such a cruel misunderstanding.

Kimarya couldn't help letting loose another sigh. She felt her rage bubbling up, feeling a smoldering fire inside of her. This tragic situation resonated within her heart. Maybe also the last and faint vestiges of the ego of the previous owner of their body. Maybe the stirring of these feelings was its hope in the changing of their fate?

"Don't worry Draeneoy, wherever your soul has gone in the afterlife, find peace in that I will gain you the dignity and acknowledgment you deserved."

"Sunny, you can begin the integration of her memories with mine. We've both been dealt a heavy hand.

I really died.

It isn't the time to be hesitant about taking in these memories." Said Kimarya with a hard look in her eyes and a warm and confident smile.

**Sunny** Understood, well done Kimarya.

Beginning integration of memories….

There was darkness,

Kimarya saw the flashing of images and moments that were alien to her. A younger Draeneoy not interacting with other children who were running around their village. She realized that calling it a village was wrong. More like a small or medium-sized city. The people had truly bizarre and considerably brutal customs, homes built without a roof, multiple levels, but with long poles through one wall to another. They didn't even have ladders or stairs and just jumped to the higher levels. Their construction was wholly inconsiderate of those differently-abled. You either had a highly athletic range of motion or you were filth.

She remembers her mother always distantly caring for her, but even then it was rough at times. Occasional hugs and bonding, but intense moments of one-sided bouts.

The intensity of this rough treatment grew with every few months.

Kimarya always saw Draeneoy, not understanding how a peaceful moment could turn to intense pain. How her mom went from one moment hugging her and helping her to a higher level of their home, then going away.

Then later on, after helping her onto the third level, but suddenly pushing her. Draeneoy was very good at maintaining her balance, but she always fell off in those moments where she was pushed by her mom. She always maintained total trust in her, where she didn't even force out any counter-resistance to the touch of her mother and easily fell off the other side onto a hard pole that she had to grab on lest she face a long fall to the ground.

Or other times her mother, after handing her a new fruit, bursts out with a jab towards her and striking her shoulder. A blow that sent her tumbling into the expanse from the second or third level of the home, luckily she could always catch onto something to stop her fall.

She seemed to not understand the seemingly random aggression. Never making the connection that it was a form of training, some brutal semblance of nurture. She barely could express her feelings of trust and affection to her parents, this factor already made it so much harder. Kimarya, after seeing these memories, understood that it's a custom from many generations ago. It's so normal it's even seen as a correct way of showing affection to the young.

A caring parent works hard in preparing their young. Even a normal interaction with friends, family, and lovers, they seamlessly tie in acts of combat.

Because of Draeneoy not catching that connection, she couldn't associate with something universally crucial to everyone around her. It was their culture. A clan with such brutal customs for survival that their young if born with any disability were discarded by their family.

It became a point of frustration for her parents, especially after noticing something bizarre in her after her birth.

Shortly an hour after being born, she already tracked objects and people with her eyes. Able to raise her head and chest when on her stomach. Responding to smiles whenever one of them smiled at her, griping objects and bringing them to her mouth. These were thingd that their people should have only been able to do within a month of being born.

At a week after being born, she could already reach out and manipulate things in the areas around her. She could even crawl or roll around to get to places. Something that made taking care of her a bigger task for her parents, especially considering the structure of homes. She was capable of sitting up and superb control of her head by turning it in response to noises and being able to follow and track sounds.

A month later, she had completely dominated the skill of crawling and could already stand to increase her access to new objects and things for her to manipulate. They observed such incredible growth in their child and were astounded but extremely overjoyed with the coming months and her development advancing at an enormous rate; she grew as a strong healthy child. Till they realized she hadn't yet talked, even though she understood language and commands very well, she just never made an attempt at communication.

She had a habit of looking at everything and always observing. At home, there was always a particular corner of cobwebs that always drew her attention the most. She spent hours daily observing the old cobwebs and new ones that those spiders made. She would even draw them out on sand or paper whenever her parents let her use it. It was her only focus and happened enough for her mother Grothie to constantly tell her to stop making spider webs "silly girl". Kimarya couldn't help but feel pain along with Draeneoy. Words that always intensely bothered the nonverbal and non-communicative girl. She always ended up drawing these patterns more and more intensely and hiding more and more inside of herself.

Kimarya often heard her parents saying she has the uncommonly powerful instincts and body that only pop up in their village every hundred and sometimes thousand years. How it feels like she has no soul.

Her defensive instincts are unmatched, but it rarely goes past that she only defends! We've been trying to prepare her for the coming of age event that is mandatory for all the children of royal candidate families when they turn 13.

To either come back with a guardian spirit, die, or return to be banished from their clan forever.

Kimarya woke to the roar of Sunny in her head screaming of danger!