
Kind's Pov

As the hour hand on the clock was approaching 11'o o'clock, the Number of people inside the cafe was reducing. As the deadline set by Peter was broken, Kind knew that if he remained any longer his father(Peter) would kill him. But God knows what got into his head is that he consented to eat dinner with Jun without even thinking about the consequences.

Even though they were seated far away from prying eyes, Kind was worried that if his father found out, he would surely exile him from his house. The fear of being scolded by his father was taking over him. He was continuously patting his feet on the floor. Suddenly he felt like someone was holding his hands. He looked up and his eyes met with Jun's.

"What happened? What is it that you are concerned about?" Jun inquired since he could hear Kind tape his feet so quickly.

"Nothing," Kind answered, unable to speak the truth since something was preventing him from doing so.

Binita suddenly approaches them. As her eyes fell on Kind, he was overcome with worry that she might reveal the truth about him to Jun. That he works as a waitress here.

"Is he your bf? June "Binita teasingly suggested pulling a tiny notebook from her pocket. Kind was surprised by her statements. Wait a minute, did she just say boyfriend?

[Boyfriend?] Kind's eyes widened in surprise when she heard the term "boyfriend."

"I'm not his boyfriend, no. In fact he is my senior but how come you know his name? Do you know one another?" Kind clarified But he had a distinct impression that he had been duped.

"Umm, he comes here every Saturday to play his songs," she remarked, pointing to the stage with her hand.

[So, he too works here] he said to himself in mind[Oh no! I have to face him on Saturday]

"What would you want to order?" Binita murmured as she turned to Jun.

"Ummm, Pizza and plain water," he murmured as he went through the Menu.

"And I'd like to have... Chicken drumsticks, please," Kind replied after perusing the menu. Binita takes down their order and leaves the lads to collect it. As soon as she was no longer visible.

"Are you a singer?" With a surprised expression, Kind inquired. "Umm," Jun replied with a smile as he leaned back in a comfortable position.

An odd feeling was spreading over Kind's stomach as a result of the guy's sweaty smile. Butterflies were buzzing about in his tummy. [Oh, my precious God! What's the matter with my stomach? Is it because I'm Hungry? [Perhaps I should use my phone] He took out his phone to distract himself from the discomfort.

Then there was a period of stillness between them as they both didn't know what to say.

"How did you spend your day?" Jun spoke forward to break the silence. Jun had a part of him that wanted to talk to Kind. This has never occurred before. Maybe he was drawn to this kid?

Kind raised his head and muttered, "Not good at all," in a raspy voice, while holding his phone on the table.

"Wait, what happened?"

"I guess they just don't like me." Kind said with a deadpan face

"Why do you think people don't like you?"

On that phrase, a tear fell from Kind's cheek and landed on the table. Jun immediately rose up, walked up to him, and hugged him. He immediately pulled out tissue paper and wiped the flood of tears that were streaming down Kind's cheeks. Jun's warm hug made Kind feel better.

Jun resumed his seat as soon as he finished weeping.

"Now tell me what really happened?" Jun asked with a serious expression on his face.

"Honestly, I have started working part time here as a waiter.Because of my lowly attitude, most of the guests made jokes about me. It really hurts here. I have tried to change myself but it is really hard." Kind let out the pain in his heart to Jun.

"I will talk to Binita to shift you to the counter staff " Jun patted on his shoulder.Kind gives a head nod.

"And don't try to change yourself. You don't have to change a thing, the world can change its heart" Those words from Jun made Kind's heart skip a beat.

Binita bursts in with the orders that both boys had given her. She exits after setting the meal on the table. They both started to. [Let's complete this quickly and go home, Kind] Kind thought to himself.

Kind ate quickly so that he could get home early, but Jun ate leisurely so that he could spend more time with him.

"Do you Like pizza?" Kind stated that he observed Jun enjoying it, and that slowly eating a certain dish indicates that the individual appreciates that food/meal.

"There's no question that I don't like pizza. Everybody likes to eat it." smiling weirdly.

"Well, I don't like Pizza" as the matter of fact there are a lot of things that Kind doesn't like at all.

"What? Why?"

"I don't like its taste."

"You are the first person I have met who doesn't Like to eat Pizza" Jun said with a laugh.

After eating the food and paying respective bills , both of them walks out of cafe

"Okay then see you tomorrow" Kind said and headed in the direction of this home.


Kind was afraid of being reprimanded by his father because it was already 11 p.m. He could have contacted his father and informed him that he would be late, but he couldn't since his phone's battery had died.

On the walk home, he wished his father would not chastise him.

He was standing outside his house after a few minutes of walking.

He took a deep breath, opened the door to his house, and peered into the hall room. There was no one there, and the lights had been turned off. Kind then entered his home and shut the door behind him.

Surprisingly, no one was standing or waiting for him in the hall room. [Strange, where is everyone?] Kind thought to himself.

He went into the kitchen and saw that no one was there. He removed a glass from the cupboard and placed it on the table. He went to the refrigerator to get a water bottle. As usual, there was a note stuck to the fridge door.

It said" Dear Kind, we are off for a party at your dad's office. we will

arrive late and your sister is also joining us. Don't wait for us and have dinner.

Good night"

[Many thanks to Lord Ganesha for your mercy.] When a smile stretched from ear to ear, Kind thanked God in his head. Because he was already full. He skipped dinner and went straight to bed after doing his schoolwork. Despite the fact that the day was exhausting, Kind had a different vibe. He slept after writing down everything that happened today in his diary. Poor Kind, He was completely unaware of the near future's tragedy